Nov 02, 2006 12:01
In the confusion that has been my intollerably busy lifestyle (I have much buffy and angel to watch before I get a new job people) I have not filled you in on a development.... or perhaps I have and my alcohol demolished brain has decided it's a fact it no longer needs to know.
Domesticmouse, that prince among goths (although I don't know if I would technically call him a goth, but thats just me and my strange thoughts on sub-cultures), has left the building... literally. He moved out about two weeks ago with little fanfare, but much much sadness. Yes, I miss you you big black clad guy, but enough of my emotions, you got plenty of that when you lived here.
No sooner had the mouse left then myself and monkey boy found ourselves deciding on a new flat-mate, a kiwi who suited our simple lifestyle. Unfortunately she bailed on us as well........ so no sooner had we offered the room to the kiwi, we found ourselves looking again.
So to replace the kiwi we found ourselves two british backpackers who work in a local bar which both myself and monkey boy frequent (much more now!). They are cool (not mouse cool, but still right up there), as a bonus they are woman, and with woman comes cleanliness without question I have discovered. The kitchen and living room have never looked better..... really. I wish I had one of those before and anfter comparison shots that they use on those room make-over shows because you would not believe the difference! My coffee table is clutter free and you can tell what colour it is on the surface. Electrical cords that dominated one side of the room have been moved. You can walk and hit tiles 100% of the time as well.... novelties I thought reserved for the well to do only!
Ahhhh, life is good.
(For those of you that missed it, yeah, I tried a little guilt trip there on mouse!)