Apr 27, 2008 12:17
Well I know that I haven’t up dated in a really long time but things have been a little tough. School had started and I had trouble adjusting to the new classes. I even dropped out of one of my math classes because I knew I hated that teacher but I just couldn’t take her random daydreaming or lack of organization. So now I am only taking one math class,…Intermediate Algebra…piece…o’…cake. Yum. I am doing exceptionally well in that class with a nice comfy 96. It’s tough though because I had having to correct the teacher on almost everything he writes on the board. FNED was an okay class, my professor has a strong accent, and he’s from Turkey. I sit in the corner and talk to some people, one includes a girl from my math class. My third class is a philosophy class in which I thought was going to be filled with tons of papers and tough exams, but I lucked out and there are only two exams and each are papers about 5-7 pages. That is great. Only about a week left of school. My final exams consist of a math exam during exam week and two final papers, which are due on the last day of class. That is also great. Benjamin and I are doing great, sort of. We finally booked for D.C. and are wicked excited. Benjamin’s birthday is three days away. I got him Red Sox tickets for the next day. He is really excited. During the D.C. trip we will attend a Baltimore Orioles and a Washington Nationals game each, both are a special night too. I cant wait, I have wanted to go for two years. I’m in the middle of one of my final papers but having a brain fart. Lol. Last Monday I won an ipod shuffle and $50 itunes gift card of Hot 106.3, it was neat. I got a passport because when I graduate I’m going to AUSTRALIA!! (for maybe a month) I already am saving up and have almost the whole amount. I can’t wait!! Anyone want to go with me?? Lol. I should probably get back to my paper or the tv…I’m going to try to update more again. We’ll see how that goes. Peace Out!