Alpha's Magical Fic Exchange!

Oct 06, 2012 11:17

That's right, ladies and gentlemen! It's the most wonderful time of the year!

It's time for Alpha's Magical Fic Exchange! This is the yearly holiday Power Rangers fic gift fest of awesomeness. It's Dramatic Swishy Cape with bonus Dramatic Theme Music levels of awesome.

The rules are simple. You put in four requests, one of which must be genfic. You offer up whatever you have the ability to write, be it one season, all seasons, or some variation in between. Really, it's all good! Then you get matched. Your offers are paired with somebody's requests and you pick one of their four prompts to write a minimum of 750 words (no max, though. Write to your hearts content, be it 750 words or 75,000 words). Your requests get matched up to somebody's offers, and they pick one of your four prompts to write. Fic is submitted through the AO3 ficathon page (linked below) and due by January 4th. Then everybody gets glorious glorious fic!

Want to play? Great! Sign ups are here. They are open until October 18th.

[NOTE OF BOLDED IMPORTANCE, WHICH IS CLEARLY VERY IMPORTANT AND SHOULD BE READ, WHAT WITH THE ALL CAPS AND BOLD AND WHATNOT: I do NOT run this fic exchange. TSB does, but she is having a super fun time at a super fun wedding right now and was unable to post this herself. I am merely pimping the shit out of this exchange because it's great and amazing and seriously the best thing to ever come out of winter except maybe snow. But when we get snow AND PR fic exchange on the same day? Well that's the best day ever.]

admin: mod post, admin: not a recap

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