Sep 09, 2012 11:21
Today on Power Rangers, we get even more toys. Joy.
We start off with engine troubles. Things are not going well on Terra Venture. Damon is down in the engine rooms running around ordering people to cool things down and turn that knob and press that button. There is lots of steam and explosions and it's all pretty great that everybody just listens to him. He calls for the evacuation of the area because he realizes this is one problem they just can't fix. The engine explodes.
Damon meanders through the hall later, sweaty, dirty, exhausted, heartbroken. He actually plays this very well. He apologizes to the captain for failing him, but the captain reassures him. It's okay. He knows Damon tried. He also knows Damon can keep the other three going. He later tells Mike that if they lose another engine, they're lost. Which is a little odd. Because I thought they already were lost and there was no way they could get home OR to whatever their destination was in the first place? But whatever. Damon is amazing, so I forgive the show forgetting they were lost all this time.
Meanwhile, the beach area is closed. One would think they could conserve fuel and engine performance if they, I don't know, SHUT OFF SOME OF THE UNNECESSARY DOMES? Like, turn the ocean off or something. Seriously, do you need beaches and waves on a space station? Not this one. Anyway, Barbaraxe shows up on the beach and the rangers have to fight him and then Deviot shows up and taunts them. As he does.
The ground rumbles. (ground. on a spaceship. this show... I will never get over this) The Rangers are confused because I guess even they realize spaceships are not supposed to have EARTHQUAKES. Whatever. Out of the ocean rises Titanisaur. HOW DID HE GET THERE? HOW DID NOBODY NOTICE? HOW COME NOBODY IN THE CASTLE ON HIS BACK DROWNED WHILE BEING SUBMERGED UNDER SO MUCH WATER? ON A FREAKING SPACESHIP??? I mean, at least this coming-out-of-the-ocean shot was better than Dragonzord's shot? And that means somewhere Tommy is crying his manly tears of jealous sorrow over this fact, which makes that whole scene totally worthwhile. But it still makes NO SENSE.
So then all the toys come out to fight Titanisaur and look, we're less than 10 minutes into this episode and it's all fighting. ZORD FIGHTING. Which is even more boring than morphed fighting. I'm sad that the only fighting I care about, unmorphed fighting, is so incredibly rare.
Anyway, Titanisaur overheats and has to go into the ocean to cool down. THE OCEAN ON THE SPACESHIP GUYS. The rangers regroup to plan on how to beat him. Kai suggests focusing on the castle on his back. Karone points out that "if" is not the word to use, but rather "when". Meanwhile, Damon checks on the engines because he is a super awesome engineer and that's what you do when you've lost an engine and are responsible for keeping the other three working.
So Titanisaur comes back as soon as he's cooled down. We get all the fugzords again. Mike even leaves his post to go help. In the City Dome. BECAUSE SPACESHIPS OFTEN HAVE LARGE CITIES WITH SKYSCRAPERS AND ABANDONED WAREHOUSE DISTRICTS FOR MONSTERS TO FIGHT THROUGH, OF COURSE! Oh this show.
The castle is gone, because Captain Mutiny got wise to his weakness and left it behind. Maya is all about taking care of business anyway and Damon is very supportive of her kicking ass. As you do.
There is a lot of fighting. Really boring fighting. Guys, this isn't even fishy, it's just boring. THIS EPISODE IS TOO BORING TO EVEN HAVE FISH! THE FISH HAVE ABANDONED IT BECAUSE IT'S SO BORING. What has this world come to???
So we end up with four zords and a rubber dinosaur suit fighting it out in the abandoned warehouse district OF YOUR FRIENDLY LOCAL SPACESHIP. They win. Of course.
Fighting finally over, another engine is about to explode. Damon is fighting to keep it going. He even stops to reassure some guy he's doing a good job turning that valve. Oh Damon. I heart you so much. He manages to save the engine. Because he's clearly the most awesome person ever. And I love that he's totally in charge. He may not run the whole department, but he is definitely in the highest ranking position that still allows him to fix things and get dirty. Chief or Foreman or whatever. And his crew trust him! Look at them running straight into the danger zone because he asks them to... and goes himself as well. Damon is totally my favourite.
5 fish. There was no plot and yes, technically the fish abandoned this episode. They gave it up as a lost cause. It was too boring even for fish, which is an automatic five.
season 7: starship troopers,
5 fish,
science doesn't work like that,
centered on: damon,
too boring for fish