Episode 324 - The Power of Pink

Jun 24, 2012 11:45

Sorry about the long delay - we've moved to only recapping once a week due to work schedules, and yesterday was filled with technical difficulties.

So, previously on Power Rangers Lost Galaxy - Andros shows up in his ridiculous cloak, Carlos has ruined his hair, and Psycho Pink is freaking awesome.

The Galaxy Rangers are showing off the Fugzords to the Space Rangers, and for some reason they are really impressed. Cassie is dancing on top of the Pink Galactabeast, who does not seem very amused, as she gets thrown off. Maybe next time don't try surfing on a Fugzord, Cassie!

Trakeena seems to be under the impression that Psycho Pink can destroy all the Rangers, but um, considering that the Psychos got their asses kicked, I'm not really sure how they think that will work. Psycho Pink is all "only going after the pink rangers because they are the best, deal with it" and Trakeena is all "No, do what I say!" but Psycho Pink escapes and breaks the control to go after the Pink Rangers.

Back on Terra Venture, Kendrix is still studying the Galaxy Book and appears to have located the Savage Sword. Meanwhile, someone is making an announcement about underwater navigation classes, and we also find out that all of the computers on Terra Venture are linked, which seems like a stupid idea. Have they never heard of firewalls? Anyway, Psycho Pink travels through the internet to track the Pink Rangers

Kendrix has just discovered that the Savage Sword is on Planet Rashon, but Psycho Pink reaches through the computer to grab her and apparently reads her mind, before leaving to go after the Sword. Kendrix begins chasing after her and runs into Cassie, who joins with her to go after Psycho Pink. instead of calling for backup, the two Pink Rangers fight together. Which, frankly, is amazing, because I think I have made my feelings on Pink Rangers perfectly clear.

Kendrix explains that the Savage Sword is more powerful than all the other swords put together, and the two girls decide to go after it together, although at least they finally do call and let everyone know what's going on. Unfortunately, the other Rangers are all attacked, leaving the Pink Rangers on their own.

Psycho Pink manages to find the Sword in the Stone, and the two other Pinks get there just as she pulls it from the stone. We get a three Pink Ranger fight (if we're counting Psycho Pink, which I totally am) and it is amazing.

Apparently each time they use the sword it gets more powerful, so its like that stupid awful rollout move in Pokemon Gen 2 that always killed me. Plus, apparently getting hit with it drains your energy to heal, so Psycho Pink is getting more powerful as it goes, and the sword is really turning into a BFS.

Cassie gets hurt badly enough that she's forced to demorph, and her morpher is knocked off her wrist. For some reason, Psycho Pink decides that if she stabs the morpher she'll gain all the power, and it seems that she's right, since somehow it happening on ANOTHER PLANET manages to screw with Terra Venture itself, causing the sky of Terra Venture to go bright red.

Cassie's morpher being stabbed appears to be hurting Cassie as well, so its down to Kendrix to fight. However, just when things are going badly, the other Rangers show up in the Fugzord to fight the grown Psycho Pink. Energy is still being drained from Cassie and the Morpher, and Kendrix sits by her, trying to provide her strength.

Then the rest of the Space Rangers show up in their AWESOME Zord, and seriously, teamups are the BEST. I even care about the Zord fights! That almost never happens!

Kendrix appears to have figured out how to save the day, and while Cassie is rolling around the ground in pain, Kendrix tries to force her way into the force field being created by the sword and morpher combination. Cassie shouts at her to stop, as the power of the two zords manage to destroy Psycho Pink once and for all.

However, the field from the sword is still affecting Terra Venture, and Kendrix is still fighting her way through. She makes it through the field, yelling that it is the only way to save Cassie, and she has to do this. Cassie and the others yell at her to stop, that she shouldn't do this, but Kendrix is determined, and she destroys the Savage Sword, and the blowback kills her.

This... was not something I ever thought I would actually see on Power Rangers. For one of them to actual die. But the whole sequence is so well done, and Kendrix being willing to sacrifice herself for others fits so well in with the character, and considering the behind the scenes reason, it's a fitting sendoff for an amazing Ranger.

We see Kendrix's ghost float there, and she tells them that she's okay, and she'll always be here, before she vanishes, and the Quasar Sabre floats off, Cassie's morpher being repaired in the process.

The episode ends with the Rangers all saying goodbye, although for some reason, all the Space Rangers are morphed. Cassie is clearly blaming herself for what happened, and the Space Rangers are all going off on their own mission, whatever the hell that is. The episode ends with the Galaxy Rangers asking what they should do now.

Fish: Honestly, we were too busy crying through most of it to even see the fish, so we're giving it a 1.

Fic we want: The aftermath. Seriously, Cassie is pretty clearly blaming herself, and losing a friend is hard. Aftermath fic.

Personal Note: After everything that happened, and us losing Kim a few weeks ago, this episode was actually what I needed. I know this isn't exactly my personal blog, but hearing a Pink Ranger, a color that Kim identified so heavily with, say that she'll always be here... well, she always will be in our memories. ♥

season 7: starship troopers, teamup, 1 fish, ship: kendrix/maya, centered on: cassie, power loss, centered on: kendrix

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