This episode recap is dedicated to a dear friend who we lost this last weekend. RIP,
psyco_chick32. We love you, and we lost you way too soon. And you will always be remembered for the good you did, and the wonderful friend that you were.
We didn't plan the timing of this episode, but in some ways it ended up being oddly appropriate.
Maya and Damon are sparring in the forest dome, and it's great and is clearly leading up to some sparring sex. Maya knocks Damon down, and then Leo makes the mistake of saying "pretty well for a girl" and raaaaaaaaaaaaaaage.
Meanwhile, the assorted villains are talking about an honorable old warrior named Loyax. Loyax is all "I'm old, but I want to go out in battle against a worthy opponent." Basically. Clearly going up against the Power Rangers would be a glorious ending, and well, that is true. (Of course, if he defeats them, then how is that an ending? I mean. Really. Logic. Use some.)
Loyax starts smashing things in the ocean dome, and I'm not even sure why we still bother to comment on things like an ocean dome, because um, look, Terra Venture makes no sense at all. I could ALMOST buy the forest and mountains, but OCEAN. I guess the fish need somewhere to live.
Anyway, Maya is taking the lead in the fight, and Leo is all "no, fight me instead" but Maya is all "Hell no." Loyax and Maya end up falling off a cliff into the ocean. And again. OCEAN. ON A SPACE SHIP.
None of the Rangers are able to find Maya, and Trakeena also assumes that Loyax has been destroyed.
Meanwhile, Loyax and Maya are in a cave. Maya has a cut on her leg, and as we know from the Turbo movie, that is fatal. Loyax is rambling all of his emo at Maya, and going on about what a horrible ending this is. Loyax then offers to heal Maya, even though they're enemies. Loyax is all "to survive, we must work together" since he can't see as well as she can in the dark, and she can't walk. So he carries her out of the cave, with her giving directions, and I don't understand how they ended up in the cave in the first place, considering they FELL INTO THE OCEAN.
As soon as they're out of the cave, Loyax drops her and is all "going to defeat you now, girl." Deviot is all "I'm going to make sure you win" and Loyax is pissed because his last battle will be an honorable one. Of course, Maya is having a harder time of it since she's injured, but she manages to impress Loyax anyway.
When Deviot is about to destroy Loyax over his honor, Maya rescues him, and Ranger and "villain" go off together. Loyax once again is all "ready to battle? It will be a fair fight." Maya is meanwhile trying to convince him that they don't need to fight, but instead Loyax tells her his life story. Apparently at one point he fought on the side of good, but at some point he ended up serving the same evil he once sought to destroy. And now he feels that all that is left is one last battle - with Maya.
The other four Rangers go up against Deviot, while Maya continues to argue with Loyax. She initially refuses to fight, but ends up morphing. The two separate fights are actually pretty entertaining, I'll give them that. While the four Rangers are busy, Deviot sneaks off to deal with Loyax, who is still fighting with Maya. Maya is doing pretty great - I love episodes where the female Rangers get to be awesome. Maya keeps on arguing with Loyax that they can end the battle, but he continues to refuse. She beats him, but refuses to kill him, because he can be good again.
Just when Loyax is about to take her hand and agree, Deviot attacks Loyax and forces him to grow. Deviot is also controlling Loyax via remote control. This obviously gets the other Rangers attention, and its time to summon the fugly zords. Since they need more help, they summon even more Zords, although there is no sign of the Emo Defender.
The Rangers manage to destroy the control device, and Loyax snaps that nobody will ever make him be evil again. He starts to attack Deviot, but one last control is activated, and Loyax is destroyed right after thanking Maya for showing him the truth.
Back on the beach of the ocean dome, Maya finds Loyax's sword. She tells the sword that Loyax won the last battle - by providing that he was still good. She plants the sword in the sand, and the five Rangers go off together.
Fish: 2. And really, only because OCEAN DOME? REALLY?