Uh... lost galactabeasts? Just the name of this episode sets me on edge for the quality of episode I'm about to see.
So we start out with a tugboat tugging a ship while both hover just above the ground. Okay? I can't tell anything about it. Then there is some bad guy stuff that is boring. Something about fearsome zords and promotions and I don't particularly care.
Then this show remembers that it's supposed to be a scientific mission! The scientists are examining the book Leo brought back from the derelict ship from the
best episode ever. Kendrix sees what she thinks are Galactabeasts and then Maya is talking to the actual beasts. Damon is trying to fix Kai's borken car and Kai is frustrated because he has dinner on. Luckily Damon is SUPER AWESOME and fixed the car. He tries to be all "SEE HOW AWESOME I AM?" but Kai is in too much of a hurry to listen. Poor Damon. I would listen to your techno-mechanical babble!
Then there is a fight with wants-to-be-promoted-villain. It is boring and interrupted their bickering, so I am less than pleased. But then there are injuries! And kidnapping! This suddenly got WAY better. The boys wake up with collars and wrist shackles on some desolate planet. The collars are electronic and cause lots of pain and force them to fight each other. It's GREAT. Of course, the fighting is only to power Deviot's evil zords, but whatever. They are forced to attempt to kill each other and neither wants to. I really like this plot.
Kendrix is totally working late trying to figure this thing out with the torn page and the Galactabeasts (and she has NO IDEA how to handle old books). She is definitely a scientist because she won't stop until she figures it out. I really appreciate that this show made a FEMALE scientist! She is so awesome. She does find a piece of the page and has probably solved the puzzle, but she hides it from Maya when Maya comes in all "Do you KNOW what time it is?" because Maya luffs her.
Maya knows about the other three beasts. Because she is conveniently psychic. Leo then comes home to what he says smells great, except then he realizes dinner is burnt. Shouldn't that mean it smells bad? I've never had burnt, ruined food smell GOOD before. It takes them awhile to realize Kai has gone missing, and Damon as well.
Back on the planet, that looks suspiciously like Saturn when they show the orbit shot but is covered in rocks on the ground shots (NO NO NO NOT HOW IT WORKS), Damon and Kai are trying really hard to NOT hurt each other. Damon almost has the upper hand but he manages to throw his sword into the device controlling the collars. They tear them off dramatically and run away. Luckily Leo and the others figured things out in time, because Damon and Kai are exhausted from all the trying-not-to-kill-each-other they were forced to do.
The show then remembers Mike exists and we get really bad footage of him as the Magna Defender (not nearly dramatic enough for my liking) joining the fight. Then they get Shiny Toys of Orion and go after Wants a Promotion guy. The fight gives him the energy he needs and he calls forth his evil zords. They look halfway decent! Then the fug zords are called out and fight. Mike suffers
Tommy Syndrome and grows three sizes that day. He joins with Torozord and then everything shuts down and the Megazord won't fight the evil zords. There are lots of men wearing plastic suits hitting each other and falling down a lot. Deviot laughs deviously and says the rangers are helpless as kittens in a tree which... dude doesn't know cats. Kittens in a tree? Not helpless. Terrified and likely to claw the shit out of you when you try to get them down? Yes. That is not helpless, though.
The zords leave and Deviot goes back and says "There was my super special resume. See, I'm a badass. I get to be second in command now, right?"
Back in the labs, Kendrix and Kai are being all sciency. Kai is failing at translating, but Kendrix is determined. Then we get a To Be Continued.
2.5 fish. Surprisingly low for a Lost Galaxy episode!