Episode 190 - Bomber in the Summer

Feb 16, 2011 21:18

It appears to be summer in Angel Grove, and don't ask how this timeline works, because seriously, Angel Grove isn't just its own country, it has its own weird sense of time as well. But Ernie is taking advantage of the heat to open up a side business by opening a beach club ( Read more... )

season 4: the adam/tanya show, 3.5 fish, centered on: jason

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Comments 12

y2jdingo February 17 2011, 02:25:32 UTC
Also, Jason and Emily are totally Sky's parents. YOU KNOW THIS IS TRUE.

...You have made me rewrite my own unused head canon. How do you do this? And how can I retake advantage of this power you have over me?


second_batgirl February 18 2011, 18:05:10 UTC
\o/ It is my ridiculous headcanon for them.


pockythoughts February 17 2011, 04:17:24 UTC
How this is different than Rocky last episode, I have no idea.

Simple. A Ranger can solo-fight any old monster whenever, especially the sixth Ranger. Rocky had the audacity to take on the big bad himself. Only Tommy is allowed to pull shit like that.

And I'm sorry, but I still don't buy the Jason as Sky's dad theory.


second_batgirl February 18 2011, 18:05:58 UTC
Only Tommy is allowed to pull shit like that.

Reason #8790432 why you are my favorite. ♥


sunkanunpa February 19 2011, 18:39:23 UTC
The Hero (usually red) and Sixth Ranger tend to.

I like Emily, she shows that this show can get darker at times. Though I still am more of the mind that Jason was a homosexual (Nobody would mess with him because, well, would you?) because during Mighty Morphin, he didn't have a girlfriend. In my version of events, Jason just gave up on love because it was more important to get her out of that situation. Plus, Jason's not going to wear pink.


rivulet027 February 17 2011, 04:32:27 UTC
This is what bugged me about Emily, she changed too quickly. I just have issues getting into her as a char cause of this epi.


second_batgirl February 18 2011, 18:06:27 UTC
It was straight out of Grease, which is I guess the universe's way of saying someone should really write that AU. :D

But seriously, it was RIDICULOUS.


prgirlsrock February 17 2011, 04:37:48 UTC
"This is our turf" are we in the 1950's? Why do bikers need a beach as their turf?

Loved Jason's attitude! but Tommy I love you but early MMPR Tommy would have smirked at the lame biker game not walk up like "Gee Whiz what's up guys?"

I like Emily, I thought Jason and her had a nice chemistry.

The one thing I always find so funny is how any girl that ISN'T a ranger has to wear bright orange.


second_batgirl February 18 2011, 18:06:55 UTC
Why does ANGEL GROVE even have a biker gang?

Jason clearly thinks that the Rangers have all lost it. He's awesome.


revieloutionne February 19 2011, 16:46:18 UTC
Some AG kid heard of Hell's Angels and didn't do the research?


sunkanunpa February 19 2011, 18:41:38 UTC
I've seen kids in the Midwest claim to be Crips. They claim to be Crips, but I'd be more apt to believe they always wear blue because they're Power Rangers than that they're Crips, because, you know, real criminals don't advertise their activities.

Want: Robot Chicken sketch where the Rangers are arrested for wearing gang colors.


acmeeoy June 23 2013, 21:51:09 UTC
I looked up Emily's actress, and was quite shocked to find she does anime voice work.



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