So this episode is mostly
Little Shop of Horrors references and me squeeing about how very very PRETTY Rocky is. No, really, I think that's about all we said the whole time.
So Adam and Rocky are members of the Angel Grove Junior Botanical Society. Rocky has crossed two seeds and created a plant that eats metal. And grows at an abnormally fast rate. No, really.
Bulk and Skull killed their plant, however, so when Rocky and Adam leave to take a sample to Alpha (so he can tell them what kind of plant it is), they try to steal a sample. The plant eats Bulk's badge and they manage to get a bit. They plant it, water it, and soon it will grow. Meanwhile Lt. Stone shows up to make sure they don't screw up and then waxes poetic about his days as a founder of the society.
So Lt. Stone takes Bulk and Skull to buy some fertilizer. Angel Grove has a place called Manure City. MANURE CITY PEOPLE. I don't... um. So he points them to the super duper special awesome fertilizer, except the bucket on the shelf is out. And there are no employees around. So they have to climb a ladder to get the full bucket on the top shelf. I... don't need to go any further, right? I think we all know where this is going.
Meanwhile, Rocky looks amazing in blue. And Sprocket comes down and there's a cog attack. But mostly, Rocky looks amazing in blue. Anyway, the plants get taken and turned into monsters by Mondo. As if we weren't expecting that.
So the Monster Plants go to the junkyard and draw the rangers into a fight. One has a very bad Arnold Schwarzenegger accent and the other... I don't know what he's supposed to be. New York Cabbie? Uh... I'm drawing a blank. All I know is it's bad. VERY bad. On both counts. They start fighting each other instead of the rangers, so Mondo brings them back to the moon.
Back on Earth, Rocky goes to the library to do some research. Adam is all "Sucks to be you" and walks away. Clearly there is still some sexual tension there from their breakup over Tanya.
Rocky gets attacked, however, and starts turning into a plant! Really he's just painted green with some leaves, but he acts like he's stoned and it's hilarious. He even compliments Kat's leaves! And her branches aren't bad either. This is clearly one sided as Kat basically begs Alpha to hurry up and find the solution to this problem. Ahem.
So the rangers have to go fight again, but Rocky is still... um... plant-like. He has a plan, though! He gets Alpha to enclose him in a small space and flood it with pure oxygen, killing the plant part of him. The science is sketchy, but this is Power Rangers, and that's about as accurate as I think they've ever gotten, so I won't knock it.
So Rocky goes to join the fight and it's the same old same old. They win, using Rocky's plan of pure oxygen. Of course.
Rocky decides to take a much safer route with his next plant project and brings some basil and rosemary. The only thing he can ruin this time is pasta. Oh Rocky.
My only regret for this episode is there was no tentacle porn. There should have been tentacle porn!
2 fish. It wasn't THAT bad, but it could have been better.