Episode 137- Rita's Pita

Aug 18, 2010 20:41

Warning: Possible eating triggers

OMG show. I hate this episode. I really really hate this episode. And now, starting out this recap, I wonder how many times I'll have to rewrite this due to capslock incoherency.

So we start this episode with Tommy sparring with an Inappropriately Young Friend. They finish up and Ernie asks what they want to eat. Tommy orders a veggie pita and a fruit smoothie while IYF orders a double cheeseburger, fries, and a milkshake. That's a lot of food for a kid but hey, if he's paying for it, more power to him.

Tommy decides to turn this into a Very Special Episode and chastises the IYF for choosing unhealthy food for this one, singular meal. Apparently your body is a temple and ought to be treated as such by only ever eating the healthiest possible food at all times and never ever splurging on something unhealthy, not once, not ever. Because eating junk food makes you a Bad Person unworthy of being a role model. So IYF immediately sees the light of day and orders a veggie pita and fruit smoothie too. *eyeroll*

Meanwhile, Rita and Zedd are doing a better job of watching the rangers than Zordon ever has, and they decide to destroy Tommy by sending down a shrunken monster for him to accidentally eat. The monster will make him eat uncontrollably. It's like Innerspace: the tapeworm sequel!

So the monster goes down and climbs into Tommy's veggie pita. Though I don't think you can really call it that. It's two pieces of pita used as sandwich bread around a few pieces of lettuce. That's... not actually that healthy. So much for the "lesson" of this Very Special Episode.

During this time, Kat, after leaving Adam and Billy who apparently has a crush on her, overhears Rita and Zedd's conversation. How, we don't know. Remnant of the spell apparently. At least that's the convenient plot point of it this particular episode. She rushes to the Youth Center to tell the others what she's overheard, but alas, she's surrounded by some Tenga warriors. She calls her ninja powers for the first time and spends most of the fight being very excited she can morph and harness the pink power and all that jazz. It gets kind of annoying after awhile. Or maybe that's just THIS STUPID EPISODE ITSELF.

Anyway, the monster takes hold of Tommy's stomach and he immediately must eat a bunch of junk food. He takes a platter of sandwiches, chips. twinkies, and cookies away from Bulk and Skull and starts downing it as if he hasn't eaten in weeks. The way he's eating is disturbing. But nobody seems to care about the fact that he's shoveling entire twinkies into his mouth and swallowing without even chewing. No, they are concerned not that he's eating like a starved man, but that he's eating JUNK FOOD.

Rocky and Aisha look disgusted at his food of choice. Inappropriately Young Friend way overreacts, calls Tommy a lying hypocrite, says he has can no longer look up to Tommy as a role model, and stomps off. The others have lost all respect for Tommy. All because Tommy is eating some junk food. OMG show, will you just lay off the EAT HEALTHY OR BE A DISGUSTING SLOB UNWORTHY OF FRIENDSHIP OR LOVE line of thinking here? Seriously?

Kat tries to explain what she heard and Billy tries to get Tommy to go with him to the Command Center for some scans. Tommy refuses, wanting more food, and Billy is sure there is something wrong. Not because he's eating in excessive amounts, mind, but because he's eating junk food. Tommy says there is nothing wrong that a donut won't fix and Billy knows it's way more serious than he thought... because Tommy is going to eat a DONUT! OH NOES! That's it. One donut will surely RUIN HIM FOR LIFE.

The others leave him to go find dessert while they go talk to Zordon. Zordon shows them the monster in Tommy's stomach and Adam asks if they can just teleport Tommy to them. Zordon refuses because bringing Tommy to the Command Center will bring the monster to the Command Center, and that would be far too dangerous and risking far too much. Uh... wait. Didn't they just bring ZEDD into the Command Center? ZEDD? Mr. Evil Emperor himself? And somehow the piddly Tapeworm MONSTER is more dangerous?

Meanwhile, at a local bake sale, Bulk and Skull have decided to stall sales so they can eat whatever isn't sold. Tommy doesn't care that the pies are (not really) made of fish, and downs a bunch of food. He at least pays for it.

The rangers manage to get Tommy away and explain what's going on. He just can't resist though. Aisha comes up with an awesome plan and gets Rocky to help her bring over a massive ice cream sundae. Tommy tries to lunge for it but the others hold him back. The monster wants that sundae though, so he jumps out of Tommy's stomach and they all have to fight. Kat is still super excited she's a ranger.

The monster grows and the rangers call their zords and I have a moment of rage that Kat is Tommy's copilot, except apparently it was mentioned that Kim did that as well, though I don't recall seeing it. Oh well. They beat the Tapeworm Monster and save the day.

At the Youth Center, Tommy approaches the downtrodden just-had-his-whole-world-shattered Inappropriately Young Friend. IYF refuses to listen at first, calling Tommy a hypocrite. And now he's going to quit karate, too. Way to overreact, IYF! Tommy admits he made some pretty big mistakes (DUDE ATE SOME JUNK FOOD, THAT IS NOT A MISTAKE NOR THE END OF THE WORLD), and gives a lesson on being true to yourself and yada yada yada.

Number of times I had to rewrite: Only twice. I gave up trying to take the rage out. It's just not happening.

Fish: ALL THE FISH IN THE WORLD. Um, really only about 4.5 I guess. But I want to give it all the fish in the world. Stupid episode.

Things we'd like to see: This monster fighting the Pudgy Pig (PP would TOTALLY win) OR, alternately, this monster having a sit down and chat session with Pudgy Pig. They'd have a lot to talk about!

Junk food eaten during the viewing of this episode: second_batgirl consumed some Cheez-Its and 3 Cosmos. queenriley only had some water, but is now, having finished writing this, going to eat a HUGE bowl of ice cream. Because this episode made me NEED IT.

era: kat, fatphobia, inappropriately young friends, centered on: tommy, rage inducing, 4.5 fish, season 3: ninjas

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