Episode 130- Changing of the Zords Part 1

Jul 22, 2010 20:20

Sorry it's been so long, guys. Vacations, illness, and family got in the way. But we are back! And we're back with... new zords? Already? Um... well... okay then! Let's spend the whole opening admiring the awesome PRETTY of the cast, shall we? Because that's pretty much what we do at the beginning of every episode.

So this episode starts with Kat, Kim, and Aisha in the Youth Center. Kat comments on their remarkable skill at shopping and we wonder if the mall in Angel Grove has any merchandise left. Kat heads home and gets all mooney over Tommy on the way. She's jealous (under a spell) and wants Kim out of the way so she can have Tommy for herself (did I mention under a spell?). I hate these infidelity subplots (but at least she's under a spell?)

Later, Kim invites Kat to the lake to hang out. Kat doesn't want to go, but then Tommy asks if she's going and suddenly she wants to. Kim is a bit suspicious (understandably so) but they head out anyway. Kat says she'll meet them there.

Finster, meanwhile, has found himself some old forgotten Zords. Or more to the point, he has found where he can find some zords. So he takes Squatt and Baboo and they go in search through dense jungle, making some awesomely hilarious quips on the way, until they sit down to rest and stumble upon the zords.

At the lake, Bulk and Skull have been put in charge of keeping the area clean and safe. Skull sees some kids who appear to be drowning and they rush to the rescue, shedding clothes as they run. I LOVE this sequence. The music, the running, the slow mo, the rush to rescue poor children in desperate need of help. Of course, then I want to smack the little shits for laughing at Bulk and Skull when they jump into the lake because the kids were faking it the whole time. Where are there parents? They ought to be punished for that.

Rita stops Kat in the park. She asks Kat to steal a power coin for her, which Kat gladly agrees to. At the lake, Rita sends down some Tenga warriors to create a diversion. Frankly, the diversion wasn't really necessary. The power coins were all in the bags which were all left carelessly lying about on a table for anybody to pillage. But the Tengas are there and they're wreaking havoc and Kat manages to steal Kim's coin. She also steals a picture of Kim and Tommy.

Kim, in fighting the Tengas, suddenly feels very weak. Her vision goes all blurry. She screams for Tommy (sigh) and he races to protect her by... putting his arm across her chest? Really? I can see the merit in doing so to prevent an airbag from exploding in her face, but I'm not quite sure how that will save her from the Tengas. Anyway, the Tengas run away since Kat has the coin, and the rangers go to morph. Kim can't find her coin and only NOW do they feel the need to contact Zordon. Who, of course, has no idea what's going on.

Zordon explains that Ninjor, when recharging the power coins, tied it into their life forces, so with Kim's coin gone, she's growing weaker and weaker. If they don't get it back, it could kill her. But that happens later, and I spend most of the episode wondering why in the world she's having all these side effects when that never happened in any of the multiple other episodes they lost their coins.

Goldar goes down to Earth and Tommy vows to fight him alone. Kat is told to steal the falcon zord and she's all too happy to comply. She's a very effective evil, I must say, far more so than any of the other rangers when put under an evil spell. She manages to zap Tommy and take the falcon zord (which then looks like an owl, but ends up being a real falcon on Zedd's arm? Okay...). Ninjor, in trying to help, gets trounced by Goldar and then captured. This is pretty bleak and Tommy is sure it's the end. He is upset that Zedd has beaten the power rangers, but really... uh... Zedd hasn't. Not yet. There are still FIVE OTHER RANGERS. FIVE. The Power Rangers is not a solo Tommy-only show here. Even if he wishes it were.

Anyway, Zordon then explains Kim could die as she faints because she's so weak and this would be a totally awesome ending!

Except it's not over yet. Instead we get Kat in a tree (and I really want to call a handsome fireman to come get her out of the tree, and then we want a follow up with Kat on a hot tin roof). She rips the picture of Kim and Tommy in half, throwing away the Kim part and proclaiming that Tommy will be hers. I hate infidelity subplots. *sigh*

2 fish. It wasn't that fishy, it was just bad in general.

era: kat, centered on: kat, scream for tommy, annoying children, 2 fish, zords under evil control, secretly about tommy, centered on: kimberly, goldar, bulk and skull are big damn heroes, ship: tommy/kim, mentor fail, under a spell, season 3: ninjas, rita on earth, squatt and baboo

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