Today on Power Rangers- Kim is awesome. Yet again.
We start with our new opening and a very pretty cast. We discuss just how pretty they are. I say they're the second prettiest cast. TSB says the prettiest. It's a rousing debate.
But, uh, in actual plot... well... there really isn't one. There is an art benefit show for the Junior Police Patrol and it's taking place in the Youth Center. Kim's New Daddy is there and he's apparently a French painter. Who is... painting in Angel Grove? Really? You have FRANCE to paint, and you decide to go to Angel Grove? My only explanation is that he's not a very good painter. At this art benefit show, Bulk and Skull are placed in charge of guarding the New Daddy's painting. They both fall asleep instead and the painting goes missing. Upon waking up, they assume it's been stolen, and begin to interrogate the general population.
So Kim is all nervous about having to move to France. She talks to Aisha on the phone (corded phones, in the bedroom and living room respectively, connected to landlines. Oh we are so old) and feels a little better, but ends up having horrible nightmares anyway.
So she meets up with her friends at the park the next day. She's exhausted and Adam suggests talking to Zordon about her concerns. Billy is sure Zordon already knows and I cringe. Really, Billy? Zordon already knows? Zordon never pays attention! Unless the fish demand it for plot purposes, of course. They get attacked by Tengas before any further planning can be done. Somehow, during this Tenga fight, Angel Grove Park has magically grown a cave and a rock outcropping, since half the footage has them fighting in mountains, and the other half has them fighting in the lush greenery of the park. Rito and Goldar show up, gets the Tengas to grab Kim and essentially hold her against a tree, and Rito slaps her hand which makes her lose her communicator. They use a new device Finster created and presented to Rita as a gift, and steal the monster from Kim's dream.
Later at school (what, does their school day start at 3pm or something?), people have lots and lots of time to just mill about in the hallways. The rangers get called by Zordon and go to the Command Center, leaving Kim behind. Everyone is unaware she does not have her communicator. They morph and go fight. Tommy lunges at the Painter Mole Monster and goes right through him, despite Billy's pleading to work as a team. Really, Tommy, didn't you learn that lesson already? Five or six times? Anyway, they can't win on their own and Kim is still nowhere to be found, so they call on Ninjor. He comes riding in on a cloud crying out "
You have nothing to fear, Ninjor is here!" and he is now incredibly awesome and I love him so.
So even with Ninjor they can't beat this paint guy and he zaps them with his brush, draining them of their colour, or rather, turning them to grey scale. This somehow has sapped them of their power as well, though they all remain morphed.
At school, Kim can't find anybody and realizes her communicator is missing. She retraces her steps and finally finds it in the park when it beeps ever so conveniently while she's standing there. She goes to the Command Center and assures Zordon the monster is from her dream. She's not afraid of it and Zordon goes off on a tangent of Plot Convenience where he tells her not to worry about moving to France, that her mother only has her best interest at heart *cough*bullshit*cough*. Kim feels reassured and goes to fight.
Once again, she is awesome, and beats the monster on her own which gives the others, who stood around doing nothing by the way, their colours back. But, angered at his apparent loss, Zedd makes the monster grow. We spend the entire zord summoning and battle discussing how Rocky's zord doesn't look much like an ape, but it does look vaguely human, and humans are in the ape family, so his zord could really be Cousin to the Ape Zord instead of the Ape Zord. Anyway, they win, of course.
Back at the Youth Center, Bulk and Skull have found the painting they thought was stolen and discover the painter, New Daddy, had merely taken it in to repair the frame. It's a really bad, really ugly painting. Kim rushes up to tell her mom that she loves her and knows she's looking out for her best interest (which I still call bullshit!), but that she's nervous about moving to Paris and learning a new language and school and whatnot. Kim's mother says it will be okay if they're honest. Then Aisha and her parents walk up and offer to take Kim in while her mother moves to Paris. Aisha's parents take in Kim... while her mother MOVES TO PARIS. WITHOUT HER. Now, that's insanely awesome of Aisha's parents, but Kim's mother just agrees! Right there on the spot! No consideration, no thinking, no discussing it at all! Just "You really want to? Sure, okay!" So she pawns her daughter off on somebody else while she goes gallivanting around a new country HALF A WORLD AWAY from her UNDERAGE daughter.
That's not even taking into consideration Kim's FATHER! He supposedly still lives in Angel Grove. Why doesn't she live with him? Does he not get a say in what COUNTRY his own child lives in? Seriously? Why wasn't he included in this lack-of-discussion?
Kim has horrible parents.
And on that note, 4.5 fish. Just... no.