Previously, on Power Rangers - OHHOLYSHITTHEZORDSBLEWUP!
Wow, this is a really effective opening - the Rangers are wandering through the rubble. Flames and smoke and utter destruction... it's pretty gut wrenching. The last time the Zords were destroyed, it was awful bad, but it was nothing like this. There was no close up inspection of the damage, and just... heartbreaking. Especially when they realize they've lost their powers as well.
Billy says it's going to be a long walk back to the Command Center, but... um... Billy, honey? What happened to the radbug? I like that car! (Maybe it's just that 6 of them won't fit? Look, Aisha and Kim are tiny, they could squeeze in!) And how long does it take them to walk to the Command Center anyway? I mean, it's miles away, there's no way they can get there that quickly.
At the Command Center, Tommy wants to know if Billy has good news, but there really isn't any. Apparently the central processor has been damaged, and Billy has no idea how to fix that at all. However, Adam is smart, and he asks where their powers came from. That's a really good question! So Zordon tells us that according to legend the coins and Zords were created by this guy named Ninjor, who supposedly lives in a
Hidden Temple, and may be just a legend. And then Alpha asks about the suspiciously convenient plot device map that they found, and the Rangers decide that they will go and find the temple. They get into that stance from the end of the movie from when they're bringing Zordon back to life, and we briefly take time to marvel at the fact that Aisha is almost as short as we are! (Tiny and adorable, for real.) And also to discuss how ridiculous short Kimberly's shirt is, and to ponder why she's wearing long sleeves and shorts. What the hell, wardrobe department?
Back in Angel Grove, Bulk and Skull are carrying out Bulk's plan of joining the junior police patrol. When asked for their reason for joining, Skull answers to "impress the girls." When told they need a better reason, Bulk answers instead that they meant to say "to protect the girls!" .... Well, it's a start, anyway. Skull notes that it's a lot of running, which is clearly practice for when he remembers that he's a
Time Lord. But Bulk drags him off to register anyway.
Up on the moon, Rita and Zedd are celebrating their defeat of the Rangers, and Rita uses her new telescope to spy on her eggs. As much as we're going to miss the putties, I still have a soft spot for the tengas. And Rito is a pretty awesome brother! (And he calls Goldar "Goldie." I totally ship Goldar/Rito.) Rita is very excited to get her own Tengas, and Rito starts going on about how hard Rita is to shop for, and starts telling the story of how at one point she got a dragon for her birthday but she really wanted a planet, so she used the dragon to burn down the house. I feel that more details about this incident need to exist. Get on this, fandom!
Rita notices that one of the eggs didn't hatch, but Rito tells her it's a vampirus monster, which is apparently too nasty for Finster's taste. Exciting! Zedd then manages to spy on the Rangers in an alternate dimension with the desert or whatever, and somehow knows that they're headed to Ninjor's temple. ... If Zedd knows where the temple is, why hasn't he destroyed it? But Rita has a plan - wait for the Rangers to find the temple, plant the vampirus egg in front of the entrance, and then destroy the Rangers! That is... a good plan! You go, Rita!
The Rangers are wandering through the desert, and we get distracted by how damn pretty they are. Seriously, there aren't a lot of notes from this part of the episode, unless you would like to hear us discuss how it isn't fair that Adam is the only one not showing off his arms, and how adorably floppy Rocky's hair is.
But things actually happen on their quest. Kim picks up a rock, which bursts into flames and destroys their map, and then Aisha gets caught in some
quick sand but the other Rangers pull her out. (... I am not going to comment on the fact that it is the two female Rangers who run into the traps, because I will just get grumpy and start sighing "OH, SHOW" and not in the good way.)
They then find a formation of rock that might lead to the temple, and then get attacked by Tengas. The Tengas promptly kick their butts, and the Rangers find an opening in the rocks, and go through. Adam leans against a rock, which opens up another hidden door. They go through, and come to a dead end. Tommy runs towards the dead end in anger (maybe he was going to punch the rock?) and disappears through it. The other Rangers decide to follow, and the to be continued flashes on the screen...
Fish: 2.5. Convenient plot device indeed.