Episode 100- Rangers Back In Time Part 2

Apr 01, 2010 20:12

It's the 100th episode! Happy 100th episode, everybody!!!! It's only fitting that the 100th episode is also FULL of fish. Like, full to overflowing with fish.

Last time on Power Rangers, our rangers were adorable Tiny Children that had been captured in a photograph. Because the monster of the day captures people inside photographs. Remember that fact. It'll be important later. Goldar is sent down to get the picture but the wind blows it away before he can grab it. Blows it right into Bulk's eagerly waiting hands, that is. And, like the TOTALLY AWESOME Tiny Child that he is, Bulk starts to run off so he can give the photograph to a grown up. Because that's just what you do when you see six children disappear into a photograph. Or, at least, it's what you SHOULD do.

Zordon and Alpha are working on some kind of molecular descrambler to both get the rangers out of the photo AND turn them back into teenagers. Frankly, molecular descrambling just doesn't sound healthy to me, no matter how you slice it. Now, keep in mind that Zordon could have teleported the photograph directly to the Command Center. Barring that, he could have teleported Bulk and Skull with the photograph to the Command Center and then their memories would have been erased when the world was put back in it's rightful time. That would have been the smart thing to do. So did Zordon do that? Of course not! Instead, he sends Alpha to go rescue Bulk and Skull from Goldar and retrieve the photo. That's right, ALPHA is going to beat Goldar. Somehow.

Fish take over here and Alpha uses a freeze ray to stop not only Goldar, but the camera monster thing too. Bulk and Skull run off in fear and end up in the high school, where they bump into Principal Caplan who has Very Bad Hair (but not as bad as Tiny!Rocky). They tell Caplan the kids were caught in the photo, but he doesn't believe them. Caplan gives them detention and we're left wondering why a bunch of 8 year olds ran to a high school, why a high school teacher is giving obviously non-high school students detention, but most importantly, why in the world did nobody manage to come up with one tiny shred of a logical idea in regards to time travel for this episode? Seriously? Five minutes of an episode of Doctor Who could have given them something to make it even the slightest bit believable. But no. We get... this mess.

But I digress. Having dealt with the Fail!Principal, Skull is now sitting in detention drawing faces on the Tiny!Rangers in the photograph. Bulk takes it from him and draws something himself. I am blown away by how much Tiny!Skull looks like Pretending-To-Be-A-Teenager!Skull. It was about the only good casting of this whole episode. Alpha teleports into the room and both boys freak out thinking he's a martian. I would just like to take this moment to say I LOVE TINY BULK AND SKULL! Seriously, they were spot on AWESOMELY ADORABLE.

Alpha takes the picture and Bulk and Skull get put to sleep while Alpha gets the kids out of the picture. They have mustaches. It's great. We are only subjected to Rocky's horrible horrible hair for a moment because Alpha convinces them to let him SCRAMBLE THEIR MOLECULES so they'll be teenagers again. Science SO does NOT work like that.

They have to morph quickly and go fight Goldar and the camera monster. The camera monster grows and Tommy orders Rocky to go fight it ALONE. So he does. Because Rocky is awesome and capable like that, and he even does it without bragging about it, because he's not a smarmy bastard. Ahem. Anyway. Tommy takes on Goldar and a bunch of putties on his own. The others are off doing... um... something. We don't know what. Exchanging fashion tips? Discussing science projects? Doing each others makeup? Each others hair? Each other? We have our theories. They eventually show up and call their zords to go help Rocky.

Because, you see, the camera monster has taken a picture of Rocky's zord. And it didn't capture the zord. It just made a copy of the zord. Which... we think the fish switched something inside the monster or something because this monster? Soooo didn't work like that earlier. Anyway, they beat the monster and Tommy knocks out ALL the putties (while being a smarmy bastard about it). They threaten Goldar and he runs away, per usual.

Meanwhile, the planet's foundation is destabilizing... yes, I wrote that right. The planet's foundation is DESTABILIZING because of the EVOL Rock of Time. Oh show. Can you make any less sense? So the rangers go find the EVOL Rock of Time and have to fight some old monsters to get to it. They fight the Venus Fly Trap monster thing and the Mole Monster thing, and best of all, Billy tries, and FAILS, to take on the VULVA MONSTER! Adam has to help him. Guys, we totally missed everything else about this fight because we were all capsing about the Vulva Monster. I LOVE the Vulva Monster (take from that what you will). The only other thing I got about this fight is the Kim is the only person capable of handling the Vulva Monster.

The EVOL Rock of Time is destroyed, Earth is returned to it's normal time, and the rangers go back to school where Bulk and Skull are still in detention. Caplan asks them how their essays are coming along and they don't remember being given detention or essays. We're not sure why Caplan remembers. Except then he forgets what they were supposed to be doing and then makes them write stuff on the board because they practically live in detention anyway.

Oh show.

5 fish. Yeah...

No Billy speak. Nobody covered in food.

angel grove lacks quality education, bulk and skull are big damn heroes, goldar, centered on: team, science doesn't work like that, 5 fish, turned into children, season 2: stone canyon trio, era: stone canyon trio

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