Episode 98- A Reel Fish Story

Mar 27, 2010 11:20

I'm so disappointed in this episode. Rocky is a lifeguard and we don't get a single shirtless scene!

We start out at the lake. Kids are playing in the water and a little girl is trying to convince a little boy to go swimming with her. He won't go in the water, however, because Here There Be Monsters. The girl assures him the Power Rangers would save him but Little Dougie is a smart kid. He's not going in that lake.

We discover Rocky is a lifeguard. He's enjoying his position as lifeguard. He's wearing Teeny Tiny red shorts, and a yellow shirt. We feel he needs to lose the shirt. And his shorts could be smaller. There should also be lots of running down the beach. In slow-motion. Yes, we would both gladly watch Power Rangers: Baywatch.

Rocky tries to convince Little Dougie to go in the water, but the kid will have none of it. Rocky lies to him, saying he's been there his whole life and the lake is perfectly safe. LIAR! Angel Grove is plagued with monsters and the lake is certainly no exception! Nevermind the fact that Rocky lived in Stone Canyon until very recently, but I suspect Stone Canyon shares the lake with Angel Grove, but only when convenient for plot. Billy and Aisha join in to help convince Dougie the lake is perfectly safe, but the boy continues to insist There Be Monsters!

Bulk and Skull decide to pretend to be sharks in order to attract the Power Rangers. Instead it just draws Billy onto a jet ski. Rocky jumps onto his ass the back, and they both chastise Bulk and Skull. Meanwhile, Zedd gets an idea. He's going to send down all the fish monsters. Well, almost all. There is one conspicuous absence that makes me sad, but we'll get to that in a minute.

He starts with the Slippery Shark that he calls the Shark Monster. It's heading towards the lake and, unable to contact a scuba-diving Tommy (and Kim and Adam) in very familiar footage, Zordon contacts Rocky instead. Why he didn't contact Rocky first, seeing as Rocky was already at the lake and there to protect people, we can only assume is fish-related. Rocky abandons his post, grabs Billy and Aisha, and they morph. At some point, the beach is evacuated/everybody runs away/somehow whatever. The rangers fight the shark when two more monsters show up. We get the piranha monster from the season 2 premiere and the Goo Fish which wasn't even a Zedd monster to begin with. Shortly after they show up, we get Commander Crayfish as well. Tommy, Adam, and Kim emerge from a lake that looked suspiciously like an ocean in all the previous shots. This is the closest we get to shirtless as Tommy and Adam aren't wearing any shirts under the scuba gear. The gear covers most of their chests, however, so we only get a shot of the boys being Slightly Shirtless. Alas.

They morph and join the others in the fight. Four monsters against six rangers, they should be able to handle it. But wait! Zedd's not done. He makes a monster out of an inner-tube and sends it to downtown Angel Grove. It looks like a bunch of hoses looped together and isn't at all threatening, actually. Bulk and Skull, in the middle of the lake and now tubeless, are distraught at how they will return to shore. Zordon contacts Tommy and he sends the five other rangers to go fight the tube monster while he takes on the FOUR fish monsters BY HIMSELF. Tommy, math was never your strong suit, was it? And apparently he never did learn that lesson about teamwork. *sigh*

I have to take a moment here. I was hoping we'd get ALL the fish monsters, but we didn't. They did not include my favourite fish monster. The Vulva Monster is nowhere to be seen. I would have loved to see His Glorious Phallicness again, but alas, it wasn't to be. We get this Hose Beast (literally!) instead of the Vulva Monster? I'm so disappointed.

Both fights are amazingly short with the thundersabre being pulled out pretty much immediately and Tommy knocking out the other four monsters in a matter of seconds. We have to wonder why Tommy couldn't do that when he had five other rangers helping him, but whatever.

People return to the lake and Dougie notices Bulk and Skull struggling out in the water. Skull gets a cramp. Bulk is exhausted and can't drag him back to shore. They being to have problems and start calling for help. Steve, the lifeguard that stood in for Rocky while he ran off for his "emergency", is too busy flirting with a cute girl to notice the drowning people. So Dougie braves his fear and runs to the rescue. He grabs the now returned inner-tube and jumps into the water, swimming it out to Bulk and Skull, and then dragging them back to shore and safety pretty much on his own. He is a hero and Rocky says so, while Billy insists that he's seen enough fish to last him a lifetime. Oh Billy, honey, if only you knew what they had in store for you. It gets worse, Billy. Far far worse.

So we've determined that Little Dougie, Fred Kellman, and Justin will be a future team of rangers. Because we're special like that and the ages work. We'd love fic.

List time!
4.5 fish... um... kind of literally, actually...

Billy speak: None technically, but I'm so counting "I've seen enough fish to last me the rest of my life."

(note: this gets a rocky-centric tag even though Rocky was barely in it and it wasn't really anything-centric)

billy is afraid of fish, sport: scuba, centered on: rocky, consult a map already, season 2: stone canyon trio, era: stone canyon trio, 4.5 fish

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