Episode 344 - Wheels of Destruction

Nov 24, 2012 11:02

We are back, ladies and gentlemen! Pneumonia and holidays and work tends to really knock a person out. We're glad to be back and feeling better and schedules calmed down, because we love this blog and this show and it's great to finally get back to it. I've missed it!

Today is a Joel episode. I do not approve.

We start off with him going to ask Ms. Fairweather on a date. She is not at all upset when he has to go do Rangery things. She does not approve of his condescending attitude towards her and neither do I.

So the rangers go fight something that shows up with lots of mooks. Can I just say I LOVE these guys? They have little bat wings! BAT WINGS! It’s ADORABLE. I hate when they have to fight them. So this monster apparently makes lots of wind. The rangers shoot him and he explodes and they THINK they’ve won. Dana hears something and they discover Vypra has a go-kart. With wings. She fires all the missiles. Joel attempts to take on the go-kart by himself and fails miserably. The only thing worse than his attitude is Vypra’s acting.

Rangers chase in the Hummer of Heroness but they lose her. Because she’s in a go-kart, not a car, and therefore can hide in places a HUMMER cannot go. She leaves before finishing the job, though, and that’s okay. Because they have a whole season to get through and she can’t destroy them yet. She then vanishes at 88 miles per hour.

Ms. Fairweather is sad at the damage done to the Hummer of Heroness (which is actually called the Rescue Rover, but I don’t care. I like my name better). Joel doesn’t even hit on her. The rangers report the new go-kart of doom to Captain Mitchell. Ms. Fairweather is very sad that her toy is ruined.

Vypra gets reamed because she refused to finish the rangers off. They turn to an elephant monster instead and he’s going to stomp Mariner Bay into the dust. Vypra storms off in a pouty huff. Because she can’t act.

Ms. Fairweather is busy fixing things when Joel interrupts her work and keeps trying to get her to leave and go on a date with him. She really does not have time for this shit. There is science to be done! But Joel doesn’t really want to take that for an answer so she has to trick him into leaving by telling him she’s working on a surprise and he assumes it's for him. He moons over her in the bunk. Carter and Chad gently mock him. But then he gets all snotty and says “She didn’t have to yes to a date with me because she loves me so much she has all her co-workers working around the clock to build me something awesome”. NO, JACKASS. You are self-centered and condescending. That is not attractive. Then he tells Carter to learn from his example, because Carter was clearly mocking him. NO CARTER. DO NOT LEARN FROM HIS EXAMPLE. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BE A BETTER MAN THAN THAT.

The rangers must go help a bunch of injured people because Vypra took to town with her Go-Kart of Doom. But then she does that 88 miles per hour thing again and Carter is not happy. He reports to Captain Mitchell and they come up with a plan. They need Ms. Fairweather’s surprise. Which is not for Joel, despite what he thinks, the condescending ass. He tells them to act surprised. But it’s him that will be surprised. Because her job is personal, but not for Joel. She built them ALL motorcycles (Lightspeed Cycles, whatever, they’re motorcycles)! Because she is AWESOME. Joel is disappointed, because he’s a douchebag who thinks her world revolves around him. Because he thought she was building him a ray gun thingy. But she wasn’t. She was building for the TEAM. Because it’s about the TEAM. Not about Joel The Jackass.

Then there is a fight with the elephant monster thing and it is boring. I want more Ms. Fairweather, please! Then they go fight Vypra and her Go-Kart of Doom on their motorcycles and that’s only slightly less boring. They win this time.

Back on base, Joel goes to talk to Ms. Fairweather. He says the motorcycle is very complex and he wants her to give him a private lesson. She is totally mocking him and I LOVE HER FOR IT. She tells him she will not go out with him because it’s against the rules. Regulation 322.1 - no fraternization between squad members. He is sure they’d have a great time if it weren’t for that pesky rule. She continues to mock him. BECAUSE SHE IS THE BEST EVER. And he’s a self-centered JACKASS.

There is also no regulation 322.1. As Dana points out. Ms. Fairweather confirms but says in Joel’s case, there should be. I LOVE HER SO.

5 fish. This episode flipped between Joel is a Jackass and Buy Our Shiny New Toys. Also, it was boring. I was contemplating tagging it Rage Inducing, because Joel makes me see red, except then I realized I'd have to do that for ALL his episodes and... no. Just... no.

centered on: joel the jackass, 5 fish, season 8: high school musical, asshat alert

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