(no subject)

Nov 12, 2005 12:40

5 years ago I was...
1. In Year 12, and debating whether to drop out of school (really!).
2. Having the worst year of my life.
3. Preparing for Grade 8 group music exam (which we got 94% for).
4. Realising my best friend really wasn't such a good friend.
5. Starting my first season of touch rugby.

1 year ago I was...
1. Just back from America.
2. Looking for a job.
3. In huge debt.
4. Happy.
5. Having loads of fun with my Pram friends at the beginning of summer - river, beach, touch, spa marathons...

Yesterday I was...
1. Stoked that the petrol prices had gone down, as my tank was empty.
2. Really hungry all day - nothing could fill me up.
3. Hating work because nobody fun was there.
4. Starting (and loving) The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen.
5. Thinking about a really strange dream I had the night before, involving the Foo Fighters, a guy from work, and spooning... don't ask.

5 snacks/foods I enjoy...
1. Crackers and hummus (sundried tomato and garlic flavour!)
2. Chips and salsa.
3. Scrambled egg whites on wholegrain toast.
4. Almonds.
5. Cadbury or Whittakers chocolate. Dark.

5 songs I know the words to are... (only five?)
1. Cat Stevens - Father and Son.
2. Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise (ha... I was just thinking about that one yesterday. It used to be so cool!)
3. James Blunt - You're Beautiful.
4. James Taylor/Carole King - You've Got A Friend.
5. Anything by Ben Harper, Jack Johnson, Foo Fighters, Muse, No Doubt, Greenday or Red Hot Chili Peppers. For some reason.

5 things I would do with one million dollars are...
1. Pay off my student loan and car.
2. Donate to aid organisations.
3. Go to Africa and South America.
4. Buy a house.
5. If there's any left, chuck it in a high-interest term deposit. How very dull.

5 favorite TV shows are...
1. 24 (although it has turned into a raft of cultural stereotypes and heroic Americans...)
2. Scrubs.
3. Pilates TV.
4. CSI: Las Vegas.
5. American Dad, South Park, Family Guy, The Simpsons, and any other hilarious grown-up cartoons.

5 fictional characters I would date....
1. JD from Scrubs.
2. Tyler Durden (either personality, or both) from Fight Club.
3. Cedric Diggory from Harry Potter. I know he's a minor character, and he dies, but he's definitely hot.
4. Optimus Prime (eh, Lynley?). Love that robot love.
5. Derek Vinyard, post-jail, from American History X. Okay, so any character played by Edward Norton.

I rented Fight Club and American Histoy X this week, and had a Norton-fest. I don't know why I like him so much, it's not like he's all that attractive, but he's excellent in those movies. I'm considering placing him on my Top Five Favourite Actors list (which doesn't really exist). I also saw One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Man On The Moon and Whale Rider (finally). I always rent five movies after my last exam to celebrate...

Yeah, life hasn't been all that eventful lately. I love my car, and I've been sorting out all the grown-up stuff like insurance and registration, and not-so-grown-up stuff like new speakers. My new speakers are so bassy it's almost embarrassing. I don't want to be mistaken for a boy-racer.

I'm going to buy shoes with ladybugs printed on them on my way to work today. I've been coveting them for weeks, and they're probably the cutest thing I've ever seen. Very summery. I'm not supposed to buy anything, ever, but I'm making an executive decision to break my own rule. They're worth it!
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