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Oct 01, 2005 02:09

LJ Interests meme results

  1. books:
    I like almost all books, and the ones I don't like I read anyway because I think it will make me a better person.
  2. concerts:
    It's the bane of my life that good international bands never come to Wellington. I mean, fair enough - it's a tiny place - but there are only so many Fat Freddies gigs a girl can go to. I love concerts so much. It doesn't matter that I'm at armpit level and get sweated on and trampled and never even see the band. I just love them.
  3. french:
    Um, I've definitely let this one slip. Periodically, I want so badly to know another language well, and French is always it (besides Maori). I'd say I currently know enough to scrape through storytime in a Paris kindergarten.
  4. liberalism:
    By liberalism, I mean social liberalism, and not economic. I never knew the difference until last week's RELI lecture - shows how clued-up I am. I'm not the most extreme liberal by any means, but I am a definite convert. Here's to another term of Labour and Green! As a side note, I have got so much stick from church people for voting Green. If I hear one more time that this country's morally corrupt, I'm going to kick something. What's wrong with this country is not gay people, and it's not feminism.
  5. muse:
    Words seriously can't describe how much I love Muse. It's spine-tingling music. I just have to ignore that Matt Bellamy looks like Rich from 5ive, sans lipstick.
  6. pilates:
    Uh, so I've skipped the last four classes. But it's so relaxing and energising, and I really don't know what else I can possibly credit with my weight loss. I should go on Tuesday.
  7. scrubs:
    I was hoping no TV shows would be on this list. Oh well. Scrubs is good. I love Zach Braff more than life itself, and Dr Cox is the funniest thing I've ever seen.
  8. singing:
    I'm not good, but that's okay - people don't block their ears when they hear me either. It makes me feel good and wakes me up on long drives home in the middle of the night.
  9. summer:
    I used to think I liked winter because of the cooler clothes, but I was so wrong. Nothing is better than summer. Sports, days at the beach or river, reading in the sun, getting tanned (and getting melanoma). Not having to sleep with a hot water bottle and fourteen blankets. What's not to like?
  10. traveling:
    I'm so restless. A year back home and I want to be away again. Most of all I love seeing places which are completely different to what I know - I think that people who just head to Europe miss out on a lot. India and Israel and Egypt were incredible. If all goes to plan I'll be headed to Africa in just over a year. Also on my must-see list is South America.

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