(no subject)

Sep 05, 2005 10:59

Man, I was stupid to swap my Friday shift for Sunday! I'm wasted... and now I have to do all my weekly assignments before I go to work this arvo. Bleah. But work was actually almost fun last night - crazy stories about team members being driven around town by Triads with guns, and men being caught with breast-pumps.

Also, driving has become so much more bearable now I have music in my car. Sometimes I want to drive slowly so I can listen for longer!

Moving on. I'm sick of the election and how it's all about tax cuts and people only caring what they personally will get out of it. Fucking blatant bribery on every side, and not a mention of any bigger picture. The only party that's not whoring itself is Progressive, but they'll never get 5%. I might have to vote (gasp) Green. Maybe I should just go with whichever one has the best colour... at least that man in blue will never have my vote, that way.

Uh, enough of that. I sometimes forget only about two Kiwis actually read this...

I need to ban myself from TradeMe again - I keep auto-bidding then forgetting about the auctions until suddenly I get five emails asking for payment. I'm hopelessly addicted to CD-buying! So, no TradeMe for me for a month. But it's so exciting when bubble-wrapped packages arrive in the post...

Now, I better go. I really do have to do those assignments.
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