Jul 15, 2004 10:02
Firstly thanks to everyone that wished me back to being well again after my last whiny update. I do feel better now and am back at work but will try not to do that again
Well we have a huge weekend planned….NOT. Jeff and I are finally going to start painting the house. I say finally because we've had the paint sitting in the garage for about 6 months now. I always like the idea of painting and decorating until about an hour after I've started then I begin to wish that I'd never started. But its too late by then because you've moved all the furniture covered all the floors and you cant leave a wall half painted can you? I'm always really pleased when its finished but man I just know that by about 10am on Saturday morning I'm going to be so pissed off LOL
The CEO at the bank died on Sunday and that was a bit of a shock. I think he was only about 48 years old but he had a massive heart attack and his wife found him dead when she came back from church. He was a miserable sod but you'd never wish that on him
I've been watching a bit of big brother although not as often as I would like to and I've come to the conclusion that Ahmed is a complete tosser and I so hope he goes soon. Jason's popularty seems to be growing a bit too. I didn't like him so much at the start of the show but I think he is growing on me a bit. And Nadia is so bloody loud, I'd shoot myself if I had to live with her for more than five minutes. Stuart is still my fav but I do like Vic as well so I hope he doesn't go this week. I liked the task this week too, I wonder who thinks all this stuff up. I could never go into an environment like that, not even for all the money in the world. I would hate not knowing what was going on in the outside world and I reckon I would miss my family and my dogs way too much.
Oh and i'm not really feeling quixotic I just wanted to know what a quixotic mouse would look like.
Edited to say: The quixotic mouse just looks a bit pissed to me.