Nov 02, 2010 09:50
MU's etc 2 Nov
I was feelin a bit dehydrated yesterday, low energy.
CFWU 65% assist PU and dip
Ep 64 stretching the hip rotator cuff at the wall and in yoga position
ball kipping, LB still in pain
4 rounds for time:
3 Muscle Up progressions (from squat)
5 push-ups (5 regular push-ups for 1 rep, 1 regular:4 knees for the other 2)
10 pull-ups (55% for 1 rep, 60% for 2 reps)
No burpees - the last time I did these, I nearly threw out my back. Once I can Kip without pain, I'll do a burpee. Until then, I'll try to find something else.
Time: 8:04
I'm happy that I can do a push-up without LB pain! Woo!!