Do Thou Amend Thy Face, and I'll Amend My Life

Jan 31, 2006 19:07

Five states have bills being presented during their legislative sessions this year which would ban ALL abortions, except in cases where the woman's life is in danger. If passed they wouldn't be enforceable as things stand, but they're being considered in anticipation of Alito's effect on the supreme court. The effect he will be granted thanks to Democrats who voted down a filibuster and/or, in the case of a particular few, directly voted for him. Interestingly, and really not surprisingly, these wankstains were all men. If any people were going to lick their lips and become personal polesmokers for the Far Mong wing of the Sheepshagging Republican Party it would be people with no birthworry. Here's a clue, jizzmoppers, just because your cock is the size of my ten year old sister's little toe and you couldn't hope to see it even should it magically mutate to John Holmes proportions because your gut could block the sun, doesn't mean you don't have one. Since you have one, no matter how sad, that means you DON'T have a cunt, which means you should step the fuck back from mine. Weilding a cock = no right whatsoever to legislate with concern to cunts, unless you're a fully reproductive-capable hermaphrodite, in which case you would never be allowed into congress anyway.

I am not the flower of courtesy.

On the bright side, if there is a bright side, a San Francisco high court upheld the Nebraska challenge to the "Partial Birth Abortion" ban. Not because such a procedure doesn't actually exist (the term was made up by jackshitters to demonize a medical procedure known as the D&X abortion), but because there is no provision allowing it in cases where the woman's life is in danger. Which is why they are ever done at all. No one - NO ONE - gets past 25 weeks of pregnancy then does the following:

*yawn* "Oooo, the fresh start of another day! And isn't it a gorgeous one, too? I should get out and enjoy the weather, maybe go on a picnic, or, OOOH! I know! I'll go down and have this eggplant-sized vampire I've been incubating for the past 6.5 months surgeried out of my crotch while I'm partially aware! Bonus fun that I was growing very fond of it!"

Less than 1% of all abortions are done after the 20th week of pregnancy, and even less than that after week 22, and always because something becomes apparent which wouldn't have before - such as the non-formation of baby's skull, which is actually what inspired this, because that particular situation hit too close today.

I've been sick for awhile, getting sicker, and no one knew why. Had blood drawn last weekend, etc. Got the results back today: appernetly, I've got one of the most severe B12 deficiencies this particular doctor has dealt with in combination with almost a complete deficiency of folic acid. Now, if caught and treated early these can be no big deal, but I've been cultivating it like a pro for years.

The Grand Prizes!: 1. The myelin sheath on my spinal cord has been partially worn away, exposing the nerves. This is responsible for: vision decline, brain funk (confusion and memory loss, haze) , extremity numbness, and muscle funk (they say "coordination impairment", "word formation", "unintentional movement" - I say muscle funk).
2. B12 and Folic Acid being lacked at the same time elevates some chemical in the blood which causes arterial fibrosis and enlarged blood cells, which is why my hands hurt so badly during increased blood flow - smaller veins, bigger blood! Score!

I can't make any of it better, but it won't get any worse now that I know. I could've just kept on until the myelin was completely gone, and gotten dementia-fied. My 99 year old great grandmother is dementia-tastic and sees phantom people...they're her friends, but I don't even like real people.

All that to say this: folic acid deficiency is what causes anencephaly. The regular drop in FA caused by pregnancy alone can be enough to cause it, so I'm like at a bajillion times more risk to spawn a No Skull Nasty. I don't care how perfect it's pwecious widdle cartelidge brainsack might actually be, it's getting Hoover'd, but the thought of forced-birthing a brains-bared beastie is less appealing than flying cross-country duct-taped to the outside of the plane - and I hate flying. YYYYYAAAAAAY BIRTH CONTROL! HOORAAAY SPERM EXTERMINATORS! ALLLL RIIIIIIGHT BUTTSEX! WOOO HAH LESBIANISM!

EDIT 2/2/06: If I have low folic acid, I could've like - been pregnant realistically 36 times by now (6 years of sex getting pregnant every two months and losing the thing) if each loaf was horribly deformed. As in, had anencephaly so severe maybe they didn't even have heads. The thought that my body could have been spontaneously aborting headless boogers this whole time gives me a new and unique sense of pride. I am a snowflake.

I went to prose writing today for the first time in a week, and the third time since classes started. I don't hate it, and I don't hate the professor, but I hate his way of "being understanding". Because, well, he isn't, but he tries to mask it with concern, and it just comes across soo not genuine and skeezy. It's ok you don't like that I haven't been around much, just like it's okay I don't think I would've learned anything by being there. We all have opinions and we should be true to them. I'll continue being disinterested, and you stop with the trying to care which comes out as, "Glad you're back. Understand you were sick, I mean, you look sick, I mean, you're pale and you have dark circles under your eyes. Unless that's mascara or something." AWWW, just thank you all to pieces!
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