Title: Connected, Part 7/?
Challenge Words: Summer Challenge-Knife - Lips - Blood
Characters:Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor, Ted Schmidt, Chris Hobbes
Word Count: 1,118
Warnings: AU Vampire B/J fic is that considered a warning? Lol.
Summary: Brian has nightmares about something.
Author’s Note: This is my first Vampire B/J fic, I’ve written other AU fics but never anything like this so hopefully you all will like this and if not let me know constructively ;) This was written for the 3 little words challenge on the
queensoftarts community. Thanks to my beta
faramirhaldir .
Night Time….
He had been biding his time all of these decades, had known that there would come a time where he would have to act. He was moving the pieces of a puzzle that long ago had been started. He should’ve killed the kid when he was a baby and save himself the effort but even he wasn’t able to kill a baby.
He knew what Brian saw in the kid, the youth and innocence that irradiated from him, and if he didn’t hate him so much he would’ve turned him into a vampire.
“Hi, Master.”
He stared at the one who was going do his bidding, “Sit.”
“In what way can I help you?”
“Have you done as I have told you?”
“Yes, I’ve been making his life a living hell.”
“Good, continue to do that, and I want you to bring a bat to your prom.”
“What for?”
“Do not question me! Just do as I tell you.”
“Okay, Master.”
“That is it for right now.”
He watched as his human slave left his house just as quickly as he came in. His house was outside the Pittsburgh city limits with acres of woods behind him, perfect for dumping the humans he drained when he fed from them.
Day Time….
For once Brian wasn’t dreaming about a blond haired, blue eyed boy, and the stench of blood that shouldn’t be spilled wasn’t filling his nose with disgust and hunger at the same time. The monster within thrived for the blood but the human in him was repulsed at seeing so much blood spilled. But not this time. No his dreams were of a different kind.
He was dreaming of when he was human, of the little hut they had in Ireland. His parents were poor and could barely support him and his sister, what little money they had went to alcohol. His life had been fucked from the beginning growing up with two alcoholic parents. His father always found an excuse to hit him and his mother never defended him.
As soon as he was old enough to leave his home, he left and never looked back. Brian made his life in Italy. He became a merchant and excelled at it. He lived his life the way he wanted back then and he wasn’t about to let his former mentor and maker hold him back from doing exactly what he wanted to do.
With that sentiment in mind, he woke up.
Justin was walking with Daphne down the hall to their next class; he kept looking behind his shoulder to see if anyone was following him.
“You’re still getting bullied by Chris Hobbes?” Daphne asked him.
He turned to look at her, “Yeah, ever since I gave him a hand job, he’s been making my life a living hell.”
“Do you think he’s gay?”
“I think he’s closeted fag who doesn’t have the guts to come out and bullies people to inflate his ego.”
“More like inflate something else,” Daphne giggled and Justin snorted.
“Hey faggot,” Chris said appearing in front of them.
They tried to get away from him.
“Move out of the way, Hobbes.”
“Make me.”
He pushed Hobbes and then Hobbes pushed Justin and an all out fight happened. They were sent to the principal and the principal suspended Justin but didn’t do anything to Chris. It was fucking unfair, he hated this school. He grabbed his stuff from his locker and headed outside.
Outside the sky was blue and the sun shone brightly. He noticed that there was a parked car near the school entrance but he dismissed it, Justin thought it was probably some parent picking up their son or daughter from school and so he went on his way.
Apparently he was wrong because the person in the car started beeping at him and so he headed towards where the car was and saw that the occupant of the car was a man probably in his late 30s with brown hair and was looking kind of anxious.
“You’re Justin?”
Never tell your name to a stranger, he thought. “Who are you?”
“Ted Schmidt, look you don’t know me but I know Brian.”
“You know Brian?” He started panicking; had something happened to Brian? Although he didn’t know why since Brian didn’t want anything to do with him.
“So you are Justin?”
Justin nodded, “Is Brian okay?”
“He is. Can you get in the car?”
“How do I know this isn’t some type of trap?”
Ted rolled his eyes. “Do I look like an assassin?”
Not really he looked more like an accountant. “No.”
“I promise nothing will happen but if you don’t get in the car something might happen.”
Justin looked confused but got in the car. On the way to the loft, Justin learned that the man driving was Brian's accountant.
Outside Justin didn’t notice that Chris Hobbes was watching them.
Brian opened the door to let Justin and Ted in. He hoped what he was going to do would work. He only had a few hours before it was dark again and then his maker would be able to sense what he was doing. Since his maker was older than him he needed to sleep during the day, Brian didn’t need as much sleep during the day but his maker did.
“What is going on?” Justin asked trying hard not to look at Brian and drool.
Brian was wearing a pair of faded jeans and a black shirt.
Brian smirked giving Justin a knowing look which made Justin blush and look away.
“No one followed you?” Brian asked Ted.
“Who would follow us?” Justin asked, “Can someone explain to me what is going on? I don’t see you for weeks and then you get your accountant to pick me up at school, and how did you even know where I went to school?”
Brian rolled his eyes, “Shut up and I’ll explain everything. Now sit down.”
“Brian do you want me to stay?” Ted asked.
“You’ve always wanted to hear about what I’m about to tell him.”
“Tell me what?” Justin asked as he sat down on the couch.
“Why you’re in danger.”
Next Chapter