So it looks like the Motocycle is Going to be history lets be pre paired for the worst

Apr 10, 2003 00:58

I can't believe the car is still broken. I can't figure out what is its problem. I am thinking about selling the Bike and geting a Honda (harrly knock off) for cruzing town and have an extra helm incase i have to give lifts. This is the second car that has started falling out from under me. I think cars don't like me and a nice bike would make life so much easer since you can reach inside it, all the parts are visable and The gas tank, seat and other things are Upgradable. Its like a computer with weels... that can get in a wreak and kill the driver instead of just totaling the car. oh well i guess i will spend the left over money from the Bike sale to buy life insurance and sigh the benofacter as laural (wouldn't she be suprized if i had a million dollor policy) or split it between her and my mom with the stipulation that it can't be spent on any thing for dad. I figure this would help matt since she would most likely take him on a cruze or move in to a bigger house. I retract the computer statument. All my porno goes to Kirsten. Matt gets my gigahertz system. Grandpa gets my laptop. My Tv goes to my parence on the condition that matt or jeff gets theirs, and if jeff gets it matt gets jeffs. All my computer books are to be given to a libary free of charge, if they want them. My ps2 and all games go to Matt. My gamecube goes to matt but the games go to jeff (unless its a duplicate ie. metroid). My picachu's are to be burned As some one sings they call me mello yellow. Any Objects that pertain to the time spent with heather are to be Flotsome and jetsome from a fast moving boat on the russin river (since she can't rember I held her hair back and pushed her away in the trailer because we were both drunk and it seemed wrong) Damin and Jason each get a lava lamp and the black lights are to be shaired by Kirsten, Jim, and Jason. All cloths are to be given away to any one i knew, free of charge, if they want them. All sensitive R&D materal is to utlized by any one who whishes or has a plan for it. DVD's are to be split up amounst Jeff, Mom, and Matt. One for one shold work best for this. If a all silver collored knife is found when cleening out my room it belongs to Jason and should be returned promptly. Any software or backup's can be owned by any one who wants them. My un burnt CD's are to be microwaved during my funreal. I wish to be barried in the back yard and one Pot plant (or hemp) and a Sunflower to be planted on top of me (no coffin, since we live behind a Cemetary this should not be a problem as long as we keep it low keyed.) My bed is to go to Any family member who can sleep one month in it in couch form If no one can sell it. All materals involving or pertaining to Ever Quest are properity of Matt and should Be given to him. My south park poster goes to Jonathan Tommas my nephew (his father's favrot show) All my nintendo powers are to be donated to any one who will take them, No recyceling. My baseball card collection goes to jeff to make up for the destruction of his D&D books when i was 9. Matt gets my current D&D stuff, Because he will use ut un like me. All paint ball gear goes to Jeff. All audio books on CD go to the family member who can read the most books in one week (imedate family only). All silver I own will be devided amounst my Wica friens. My Crystals are to be destroyed lest they fall into the wrong hands. Any motor vechale Will belong To Matt, i hope it will treat him better then it did me. My Erogonomic wireless keyboard, mouse and pad goes to Kirsten for use by her mother (hope the carpool goes away) All medication for my insanity... i meen social disorders goes back to kiser hospital, Because none of it did any good. All weapons will be sold in a scilent auction where family and friends are the only ones alowed to bid (except for dracula it is on time shair between Kristen, BC, Jason, Laural, and Matt. The same person can't have it for the same event every year. Matt get's the paladen, For a wonderfull sword fight with real weapons. The boakin are to be awarded to the person with the best sword skills in my group of aquentences. My grandfathers chair is not to be sold or traded, it will remain with any Family member who will take good cair of it and never break it up with a sleghammer or axe (i would turn over if you pulled a green chair on it -btb, the controler for the tv is not inside i sware) All other items are to be distrubited amounsted family and friends in this order of importance.
1. Matt (i know he can be a butt some times but he deserves a break once and a wille)
2. Jeff (Sorry about the Train tunnel)
3. Laural (You are still to damn sexy for My life)
4. Mom (Any thing but the skull)
5. Kirsten (sorry i only have one dragon and its puter)
6. Heather (The sands of time change nothing but the erosion of the Rock)
7. BC. (feel free)
8. KC. (i don't know, but im not stupid, i just enjoy every thing and life is a game)
9. John (The bard gets First pick of music instrments)
10. Jim (Just keep your grandpa away from my weed, Just kidding)
11. Codie and Caroline (Any thing But my year book, the resembulance is uncanny)
12. Any relative not shown above (except aunt rose, and any one involved in my death)
13. any friend not mentuned above (except if they had any thing to do with my death, then they get tenth billing instead of 13
14. any aquantenc not involved in my death
15. If any thing is left then my father my have it.( also My hammer is his, mabie next time the blow will fracture my skull instead of just messing me up)
Tell every one ADHD can be controled by the Aflicted just stay away from suggar and you will not need medication.
If berkly makes a You Don't know jack "porno edition" proceds from Auctions of stuff goes to buy a copy for the following people. Brian cristopher Ward and Kirsten Korpella for there help in establishing Perversion in the minds of inocence.
At the Rocky horror picture show after my death i wish for one Comment to be detacated to me.
I would like a wake instead of a funeral, the more you party the happyer i will be.
Any one So drunk they Puke can have my hat collection
Any one so stoned there eyes are compleetly red gets my watch collection.
All music at my wake will be played on a record player, from my vinal collection.
Offer is null and void in Utha
Mormin's from the past are welcome as long as they dont mention the book of mormin.

On a final note i would like to say some thing that is running threw my head.
Fire, Water, Earth and air: We crave the love that you all shair
Air, earth, water, and fire: Your kinda love is what we desire.
Water, Air, Fire and earth: I have craved love since birth.
Earth, Fire, Air and water: My heard is just cannon fodder.

Yea and now its time for bed. Good night little children and rember its is worse to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all. Chances just set you up for a fall. Friends are wonderfull if your life is joyfull. Life is a sad when Reality turns bad. There are alway more fun people but who wants to live in a straght jack just to play with them. Insain assilums don't cure the sick they protect the world from the Insanity that lyes behind the walls. If war creats jobs..... Where are they? Mercury poisening may give mad hatter syndrom but Life is more fun when your brain is spun. Everclear can cleen your mind from 0 to 60 in two shots. NOS is ok for cars but should never be used in model airplanes. Black light is worth its spectrum in Glow. You can have any thing you want at alices resturant (but don't order the Shroom with a View) Bunny furr is soft and fuzzy and long as the Possum calles him his buddy. For every Up there is a down for every kirsten there is a clown. The origonal Ronald Mc Donald was actualy willerd scot (How may years young are you?)
If a fly was travling at top speed heading west along the slip streem and an am track train heading east going 20 miles an hour colide how many people will drop there lawsutes agenst tobaco componys? Answer: The same number ast the amount of times the butter fly flaps its wings on the other side of the world. If i morned the loss of every applience that died and Joe morned every skillet that deseasoned. what religon are Joe and i a part of? Answer: Fring Panthesists (every thing has a soul even cooking devices) If a monkey Were to trade you 4 Wiggets for your Hat and your cricket bat what might you say. Hey, You 4 wigget monkey give me my hat before i hit you with my 4 Wigget monkey bat, What do you think of that.

Ok defenetly time to go to bed i have losed all rime and reason,
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