Aaaanyway...spending a whole lot of money on time-wasters and interest keepers for the next year or so (or, as i like to call it, "Mental Health Moneys"). Bought like 10 XBox Games. Also bought a sweet digital camera, but to be honest most of my pics are horrendus and/or feature monkeys licking their nuts.
(An aside, The Half-Life 2 package for the 360 is probably the best value you're likely to find nowadays. I've said more than my fair share about HL2 (the texture work still continues to impress. Even if between this and Halo i'm about sick of the current school of technology design), and it still ends in a cliffhanger, but still, i'd pay 20 buck for Portal alone.
I miss the civilian world. I miss not being a contractually bound servant to people of dubious intelligence and even more suspect common sense. I've been incredibly happy with the real world now that i've been in military hell for such a long time, and i realize i've got to start building my life all over again when i get out. Luckily, i have two or three good resume items now.
Either way, are you ready for the QUICKLY PHOTOSHOPPED BATTLE OF THE CENTURY?