Simply Untrue

Mar 21, 2008 12:09

Today, I find this at the Live Journal of Wendwriter:

Okay, I'm going to say it here: T- and N- cooked it up and told M- about it, knowing she would rush in guns a-blazin' and without questioning the "evidence."

No. Unequivocally, no!

If she asks those people the same questions I'm asking here, particularly in a public e-space, they will turn on her, and she will know why they say "You don't want to get me pissed at you."

If I'm not mistaken, those are my words, and they were uttered in disapproval of any spamming of a certain person's forum. How utterly mendacious to quote them out of context!: Important Notices:#2452 Mar 14th, 9:19am

Ask away, Maiafay, and ask it in public. I can vouch only for the emails sent to Jael the Scribe, which were via Compuserve and are much harder to fake. Nieriel Raina will have to reply for herself, but I doubt she would jeopardize her position as an admin at LOTRFF to set up an imposter account and forge emails over something so trivial as one of The Battling Bard's ignorant reviews.

In light of my previous entry concerning the activities of The Battling Bard, I leave it up to the reader as to whose word can be trusted here.


Well I did wonder how long it would take for a response to be made. Some people do indeed think they have all the answers; but as for me, I only have more questions, most of which are unlikely to get an answer that satisfies my sense of fair play. Logic is a bitch, ain't it?

Hopefully, that is the end of the matter.

Say what? How much more blatantly obvious could it be? We have a 2003 story by another writer and a recent poem posted by The Battling Bard as an original work.

the battling bard, mishegoss

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