Post Holiday Depression -- A Song of Aman

Dec 29, 2006 18:03

I don't know what my problem is.  I get this way around Solstice-time.  To cheer myself up, I wrote this little filk, my first.

Disclamer:  I own even less than usual.  Lyrics belong to the Eagles, from their song Hotel California.  The land of Valinorë and the names of the Ainur belong to JRR Tolkien.  The spin is my own.

The Land of Valinorë

On the dark Sundering ocean,
Cool wind in my hair
Sweet scent of incense,
Blowing in on the air.
Up ahead in the darkness,
I saw a shimmering light.
My heart was heavy and my eyes were dim,
But what a lovely sight!

The Lady stood on the quayside,
I heard the sound of bells
And I was thinking to myself,
This is heaven . . . or is it hell?
Then she lit up a lantern
And she showed me the way.
There were voices from fair Tirion
And I heard them say

Welcome to the land of Valinorë
Such a lovely place,
Such a lovely face!
Plenty of room in the land of Valinorë
At the End of Years
You will find us here.

Her mind is Feanor-twisted
She has the Silmaril.
Docile hosts of sweet Vanyar
To do her will.
How they dance on the greensward!
They sing their songs yet.
Elves, they sing to remember,
And they dance to forget.

So I called out to Yavanna
And said please bring me some wine.
She said, we haven't had that vintage here since 3029.
And still the Vanyar keep singing from far, far away.
Wake me up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say . . .

Welcome to the Realm of Valinorë
Such a timeless place
Such a changeless face.
Immortal life in the land of Valinorë
What a nice surprise
No one ever dies.

Star-domes on the ceilings
They have Miruvor on ice.
She said, we are all just prisoners here,
Of our own device.
In Manwë's Chambers
The Ainur gather for the feast.
They stab it with their mithril knives
But they cannot kill the beast.

The last thing I remember
I was running for the shore.
I had to find the Straight Road back
To the place I was before.
Daro, said Mandos,
We're commanded to receive.
You can join me any time you like,
But you can never leave.

Oh, welcome, to the Realm of Valinorë
Such a lovely place,
Of unchanging grace.
Plenty of room on the land of Valinorë.
At the End of Years
I will still be here.

filk, lotr

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