Westercon placeholder and Chunga release note

Jul 08, 2013 15:12

I'm in the process of writing a longish Westercon report, but unlike my usual practice on LiveJournal, this time I don't think I'll publish my initial draft and then revise it over the next few days. Instead I'm going to take the radical approach of revising it and THEN publishing it! I know, I know, it's a crazy idea, but I understand it works for some people. Short version is that I had a terrific time, all in all. I can't say it was the Best Westercon Evah, but only because I've been to so few. Probably the best one I've ever been too, although I may revise that statement in the final draft. Anyway, great job by kproche and bovil running the convention, great job by voidampersand running the convention newszine, and great job by johnnyeponymous and katster running the fanzine lounge, which was the very epicenter of the whole dang thang. More anon.

Meanwhile, the PDF for Chunga 21 has been posted on eFanzines. It's got covers by Steve Stiles and Brad Foster; articles by Roy Kettle, Sandra Bond, Lilian Edwards, David B. William, Andy Hooper, and myself; cartoons and artwork by Stiles, Foster, and Harry Bell; lots of letters; invisible friends; massive protests fired upon by riot police; warm breezes flowing across soft meadows; bad poetry; interstellar deserts; and more! Please download at your convenience and let us know what you think.


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