Email from a poet

Feb 01, 2013 08:50

I think I wrote last year about a poet who had contacted me regarding my blog post about a silent film called The Wishing Ring. She had never seen the movie, but she was interested in one of the screen caps I'd posted. We corresponded for a while about silent film, and I encouraged her to watch The Wishing Ring, which is an utterly delightful, magical film. Fast forward a few months when out of the blue I received a message including this:

Apologies for dropping the ball on the email exchange. My mother has an Alzheimer's related illness (Lewy Body) and I have youngish children so in addition to my other adventures, caregiving seems to take up a good deal of my time. I finally did watch The Wishing Ring and just loved it. I was flying home from a teaching thing in Nebraska and was really tired and watched it in this sort of suspended state of drifting wakefulness.

What a world this is, eh? Life as she is lived.

blogging, maurice tourneur

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