Work-life conflict

Nov 15, 2011 08:02

I went to a meeting last week about scheduling for the Time of Chaos that happens every spring around Commencement sign-up, and as I looked at the dates when I had to do important, mission-critical stuff, I had the sinking feeling that it might coincide with Corflu Glitter next year. I finally checked today, and sure enough Corflu is happening right smack in the middle of the time when I'll be needing to run test extractions and then the actual extraction. I suppose I could pop down to Las Vegas Friday night after work and return on Sunday, but my gut reaction to this idea is not good, no fun, ixnay. I think Corflu will be a no-go for me next year.

Ugh. And fuck.

Well, maybe another reason to go to Novacon then.

corflu, work

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