
Nov 07, 2011 08:53

Yesterday I walked around the Cheshiahud Lake Union Loop again. It's six miles, and I did it in three stages. First I walked Westlake downtown to the Meridian 16 theater, where I caught a matinee of A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas, which I loved despite my general aversion to gross-out humor and bromances. Then I walked along the Eastlake part of the loop to the U District, where I stopped at the Big Time for a pint of the cask-conditioned Icculus IPA and a bowl of bean-and-bacon soup. Then the very familiar leg along Northlake back home (essentially the Burke-Gilman trail that I walk to and from work every day). I left the house around 10:30am and got back around 5pm, so it was a day trip. I was beat after all that walking, which was probably closer to 8 miles counting the excursions off the loop. If I did that more often, I'd probably be in a lot better shape. Walking always gives such an intimate view of what's going on in the city, too, and I wandered through parts of the South Lake Union neighborhood that I normally don't see. Massive transformations going on there still.

It was a pretty slack weekend, all in all. Mostly watched football on Saturday. It felt good to just goof off for a couple of days.

cheshiahud loop, diary

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