I wrote
a review of Anonymous that might be interesting to a couple of you. I've been meaning to mention (and apologies if I already have) that for those of you who don't share my interest in older movies, I use the tag "2011" for movies I've seen in the theater this year. You can just click on that (or "2010") if you want to see my take on recent films.
I also watched a lot of football, including the awesome USC-Stanford game.
I planted a rosemary, transplanted some other things, and spread compost. I still need to plant the seeds that
holyoutlaw gave me, but that's about it for fall gardening, other than raking leaves when they fall.
I watched the new Criterion DVD of Island of Lost Souls (1932). Have I mentioned that 1932 was the one of the greatest years in Hollywood?
I posted a couple of photos to Facebook. They were each worth at least a half thousand words.
Still feeling pretty stressed out by work, and I think it's making it harder to concentrate on other things. My film blog is probably the greatest casualty, but I feel like I'm not getting much done in general. This state of affairs will pass eventually. It's just a period of transition. During which I'm feeling pretty dull. On the other hand, my sister liked Alternative Pants, so past work when I wasn't feeling dull continues to bear fruit.