Possibly only of interest to
reverendjim, but this is a picture of the bottles of beer I sampled a month ago in one of my periodic sessions with carl and Scott. The three 12 oz bottles of Doggie Claws barleywine from Hair of the Dog were from three successive years, so we could taste the change in flavors as it ages. The 2007 was pure nectar.
Seattle Beer Week apparently officially started on the 13th. Lots of events that I'm going to stay far away from, because I hate the crowds. However, carl and Scott and I are planning to hit Brouwers in the aftermath of the Sour Beer Fest, which starts next Thursday, to sample whatever is left. Sour beer is the latest trend in American craft brewing, and I heartily approve.
The lineup at Brouwers looks outstanding. Nice to see local brewers like the Elysian getting into the act. Cascade seems to be the hot new brewery in Portland.