And statistics

May 14, 2010 08:39

So I've finally discovered the Stats/My Guests page for LiveJournal (accessible via the Profile menu), and I'm puzzling over the results. One thing I don't understand is the Journal stats versus the Entries stats. For example, if I look at the Journal stats for yesterday, it says 100 unique people looked at my pages or pages I commented on in other people's LJs. It says that of those, 7 looked at my journal directly (I think). Now, if I look at the Entries stats for my post from yesterday about The Good, the Bad, and the Weird, it says that 63 people saw it in some form or another but only 2 people looked at it directly. I'm assuming that means only 2 people looked at the comments, probably the two people who made comments.

So I'm a little confused about how to interpret the results. I guess it means that 100 people looked at pages that included *something* I wrote (whether an entry or a comment), but only 63 people looked at pages that included that specific entry. Of the 100 people who looked at pages including something I wrote, 7 clicked through to one of my entries, probably to look at (and/or make) comments.

It's actually been interesting to look at the stats, even though at first I found them kind of depressing because I was only looking at the number of people who visited my journal directly. The more I ponder them, however, the more I get a sense of how people read LiveJournal: mostly via Friends Pages, which is how I do it too, only clicking through if I want to read or make a comment. Has anybody studied their stats in more detail?


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