A year already

May 12, 2010 09:17

Yesterday evening I was sitting at my desk at home doing something on the computer when I glanced up at the picture of Sheilla that's on the wall by the desk. The picture is on a card that was handed out at her memorial. It struck me suddenly that it had been exactly a year since she died. A year already?! Yes, it had to be about a year, because I remembered that she died the day after Mother's Day.

Sure enough this morning I found a message from Sharee sent to a group of family and friends, reflecting on her mother and what we all went through together last year, what she learned from it, and where she's headed now.

So I thought I'd take a moment too to note the anniversary. Sheilla was a good woman, and I know she is still missed by all who loved her. She gave a lot of love in her life, and she faced death with an equanimity that I can only aspire to. It's good to have her looking over my left shoulder, keeping an eye on me and reminding me of the way ahead. Thank you, Sheilla, and bless you too.


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