Happy New Year, kidlets! :)

Jan 04, 2010 17:51

Well, with the help of two Grande Chai Tea Lattes (loving that you can now get Starbucks coffee on Milton Park) I managed to survive my first day back in the office. I would still ideally like to spend tomorrow hiding under my duvet, but appreciate that asking my employers to pay me to stay in bed isn't overly reasonable. (Feel free to insert your own hooker joke - was going to do it myself, but there were just too many to choose from).

So far 2010 is going quite well, I think. I appreciate that it is early days and there's plenty of time for it to go pear shaped yet, but still! Mildly terrified that I'm going to crash my car again, to be honest.....

Christmas was good, did lots of stuff - for (probably very dull) photos of said stuff wot I did, please click here. I managed to survive a whole 10 nights under the same roof as my mother - mum also survived them, it's a Christmas miracle! Ah, the complicated mother/daughter relationship. I love her lots again now that 200m distance is safely in place. I also saw a fair old bit of the ever beauteous cornishmaid and had a cream tea on Christmas eve with the lovely Z. It rocked.

New Years also rocked a fair old bit, but will discuss that at a later date as I am in dire need of a cuppa and I've probably bored you all (both) enough. :)

Big hugs and suggestive glances.

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