Uppy Date

Aug 02, 2008 04:37

August. Where has the summer gone?

My search for a summer job didn't pan out, as expected. If I didn't have something figured out by April-ish, I figured it was a no-go, but still. It's a bit depressing to know that not being able to land a legal job this summer is going to hurt pretty bad for the job hunt for after school, but at least I was able to enjoy a summer mostly off. I haven't had one of those in ages, and it's good to have gotten one last one before I hit the working world. Again. Ok, so maybe one last one before I hit the working world with a halfway decent career path. Hopefully.

I'm going with a pay service to help me find a permanent job for once I graduate. I should be sending in my final drafts on my resume and cover letter soon, then it'll be time to blindly pelt hundreds of employers with my information and hope something sticks.

School is just around the corner. Signed myself up for a bit of a crazy schedule. Mondays, 2-3 and 5:30 to 8:30, Tuesdays 2-6, and Thursdays 2-6. A mere 12 credits; I only need 25 to graduate, so I figure 12 and 12, plus a special 1-weeker and I'm done. I can maybe entertain notions of working this school year. We'll see. Of course, the fact that I can slack a bit third year is well known about law schools; a lot of schools are thinking about going 2.5 or even 2 years. I can't say that I blame them.

Man, those political commercials are getting lame. I think I get sick of the campaign season when things start going negative; by and large I don't mind all of the local election commercials, but McCain's national ones are driving me crazy. Let's just freakin' elect Obama already and move on with our lives. Lousy crotchety old men gumming up the commercials, grumble grumble.

What's going on with you?

job hunt, law school, politics

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