Oct 10, 2009 22:36
I slept from 6:00 to 9:10 PM. Not a good idea. I have to be at work at 8:30, maybe if I get drunk I can fall asleep at a decent time. Yeah, let's try that. I have a feeling these next few months will be tough, but better than the last few. Things will change. My surroundings will change. My attitude will change. Maybe I'll even change. Something HAS to change, and it's all up to me. My apartment is clean. Slug's butt fur has grown back, is he possibly happy? I hope so. It's funny how memories you never really thought about can creep back into your mind, and they turn out to be really happy memories. It's like before there was a problem, they weren't really thought about. Now that there is no chance of new ones, the old ones become that much more valuable. I wish I could play the role of the Angel, but no. An apocolyptic image, drowning in his own decisions. That's what I am. I spend so much fucking time dwelling on others, that I don't think about myself. Which is odd, considering how selfish I am. 1 Month. One. Lousy. Month. That's all it took, and I cannot believe it.