(no subject)

Apr 14, 2004 18:10

fuck i hate journal shit its soo stupid i had a whole entry and i clicked something and it all god deleted ...effin ey...

so yes today was no bueno and everyone was giving me shit and i had a bad day ...people say they love giving me shit cuz i take it personally ...how the fuck am i suppost to take it..i can only take so much of people walking over me...im sick of it...and everyone acts liek im all depressed and shit ...fuck that im fine...just cuz im not talkative doesnt mean im plotting suicide ...christ...haha wow that sounded pretty intense..i need to calm down...haha... anyway

i hate this time of year cuz everyones like prom in like 3 weeks who are you going ot ask, prom prom prom...fuck prom ..i mean dont get me wrong i think it will be pretty cool but i mean i dont want people cramming it down my throat...but yeah...i dunno i had a good thing down but this stoopid thing deleted it...rather poignant if i do say so myself...  haha i am soo dumb...

so yeah i think thats it for now...baseball was only 45 mins today so brendan and i went to starbucks after and saw hoffer and got free stuff...holler!...we made our own frappacinos ...if u care to try it sometime  it is a hazelnut/Irishcream frappacino w/ whipped cream and carmel on it..it was sexi plexi...

i think thats all for it...leave me good suggestions and ways to ask someone to prom...you know..if you want to...that is all nuckuhz
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