Feb 07, 2008 20:05
Thank you all for your advice. No-one really thought I should do my course part-time - I suspect the only person who would have thusly advised me was the course coordinator and she didn't reply my e-mail or phone call. Maybe she's out of town. Oh well.
So this is my tentative schedule:
Tues 5-9 pm Corporate writing - a friend who's done it said it's really interesting and useful, so that was a relief. I was worried it would be a bit dull but at least there has been one positive review.
Wed 5-6 pm Industry lecture - or something to that extent.
Thurs 9 am-1 pm Computer skills - this is a little annoying because it means I can't work on Thursdays, but the suitable classes were full. So this is it. I know it sounds basic, but I think there's HTML and stuff I haven't done before, and I guess at least I would finally learn some of that.
Thurs 5-9 pm Journalism - I was trying to decide between this and novel, but the thought of actually having to work on a novel was overly daunting. So journalism it is.
Fri 1-5 pm Editing - this is what I'm most excited about. If I end up hating it, I will be back at square one in career decision-making.
I've told work that I will work 8-4 Monday to Wednesday and 8-12 Friday for the month of February. So I may be dead by the end of it.
In other news, I love Rufus Wainwright. I want to do a decent review, not just all inane gushing and stuff, so hopefully I'll get that done sometime on Pop Life. But yes, I did hang around outside the stage door after the concert to meet him. And I did. And I didn't really know what to say! I'd rehearsed the charmingly scatter-brained 'I don't have a pen but I'd love if you could sign my album cover' thing but I really should have thought beyond that. There were people (including someone I realised upon reflection worked at Charmaine's with me) who had backstage passes and then went off to drinks with the man himself afterwards. Most jealous. But still, he put his arm around me and I have a photo, which you have all no doubt seen. I think I didn't really know what to do with my arm and it may have hovered around (and possibly brushed against) his ass, which was a little embarrassing, but oh well.
In other other news, the breakdown of my body has now moved from dental to optical. I need (new) glasses, ugh. At work, the screen is getting really blurry and I had to change the resolution yesterday to the same one that the middle-aged ladies use. Most disappointing.
In other other other news, please watch The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. It is a lovely movie. I sorta teared up at three points yesterday but never really cried, and walked out feeling like I should have because there was so much pent-up emotion in me afterwards.
And now Cashmere Mafia has finished downloading, which is perfect timing.