003 - How Lucky Am I

May 05, 2005 05:45

•If you are reading this, chances are you know me reasonably well. So tell me, do I have some kind of strange luck quirk?

•Streetlights have a strange way of turning off as I walk or drive under them. I am not certain the cause, but it seems to be strange luck.

•Aside from that, I have a unique talent of not looking a certain direction to witness vehicular accidents, thereby annulling my involvement. Something else always catches my eye moments before an accident transpires. This occurs on a monthly basis (for reference, I have been in five vehicular incidents, none of which were results of my actions).

•Unfortunately, today saw the end of my winning streak. Legalities prevent me from divulging any significant information. However, I will say I witnessed a fluke accident downtown involving vehicle versus wall.

•Not considering the events of today, my luck has to be amazing. After all, I consider myself lucky to be alive given everything in consideration. That and lucky in finding all the strange flukes I do (such as the day I put my cell phone in my pocket upside-down, and coincidentally all street lights were green for the next few hours).
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