papi let me take you home, i said mami you can take me home if you let the whole crew get on bitch

Dec 05, 2004 16:42

Well lets see my weekend wsa okay, friday went to a party in the woods, maybe drank too many beers, and fell in the river. but thanks AD & JP for taking care of me <3 Saturday I had to babysit for a little then went to a party at chelsea definetly drank too much, ugh. and now its sunday, i went to kellys for a little while, and now here i am bored so i'm taking this survey thing =)

last kiss: Brian - friday night
one I enjoyed: Jesse.
last movie seen: boys dont cry
last cuss word uttered: fuck
last beverage drank: capri sun
last food consumed: christmas tree cake
last crush: Jesse
last phone call: David
last tv show watched: to grandmothers house we go
last time showered: this morning at like 12:20 am
last shoes worn: my pink vans
last cd played: Terra Squad
last item bought: pack of cigarettes
last downloaded song: vitamin C - put a smile on your face
last annoyance: this fucking computer
last disappointment: Katrina moving =(
last thing written: my school work on friday?
last words spoken: awesome
last sleep: last night
last sexual fantasy: ......
last ice cream eaten: yesterday - butter pecan
last time amused: last night
last time in love:
last time hugged: this morning
last chair sat in: computer chair
last lipstick used: i dont wear lipstick
last show attended: taking back sunday
last webpage visited: this one

day of the week: i dont know
least favorite day: mondays
flower: pink, yellow, white, or black roses
jello flavor: lemon
summer/winter: autumn

called you: David
slept in your bed: me
saw you cry: Jesse
made you cry: Alexander
last person you yelled at: my sister

do you believe in love at first sight: yeah
do you want children someday: yes
most important thing to you in a friendship: being there

things you dislike most about yourself: my mood swings, smoking, my attitude,
worst feeling in the world:
best feeling: being 16 or 17
how old do you act: usually about 12, but theres days when i ac my age
glasses/contacts: both
do you have any pets: dog, cat, hamster
do you get embarrassed: not easily
what upsets you: theres alot of things

i love to: sleep, and drink.
i wish: things were back to how they used to be
i hope: i pass all my classes with a c =/
i am annoyed by: alot of things
i am: erin
i want to be: eating, i'm hungry
i would never: get an abortion
i'd rather be: living in a better town

what do you notice first: eyes
last person you slow danced with: hmm..
do you have a crush on anyone: yes
WHO: jesse
makes you laugh the most: David, Kelly, Jesse, Danielle
makes you smile: ^^
can make you feel better no matter what: Jesse, David, Aaron
has a crush on you: i dont ask

sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: nope
save AIM conversations: yeah
save Emails: yeah
wear perfume: when i have extra time, yeah

fallen for your best friend?: yes
made out with JUST a friend?: yes
been rejected: i think so
been in love?: i dont know
been in lust?: yes
cheated on someone?: yes
been cheated on?: yes
been kissed?: yes
done something you regret?: i try not to regreat things but, yes

color your hair?: i have before
have piercings?: yes
have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope
own a webcam?: digital
ever get off the damn computer?: yes
habla espanol?: si
quack?: nope

stolen anything?: yes
smoke?: yes
schizophrenic?: i used to think so, but no
obsessive compulsive?: not really
panic: yes
anxiety?: ehh..maybe
depressed?: yes

long distance relationships: for
killing people: aganist
driving drunk: against.
gay/lesbian relationship: i'm not aganist people being gay or lesbian just them being able to get married
soap operas: aganist.

food: italian, candy, and ceral
song at the moment: theres a few
drinks: vanilla coke, sprite, diet coke
clothes: comfy pants, tshirts and hoodies
favorite band of all time: i have a few
disney movie: lion king, finding nemo, 101 dalmations, theres a few
nickname: i dont really have any
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