Apr 30, 2008 15:42
Essential for leaving a government position:
-Visit an office you've never needed (ie Passport office, parking office, on-site health center).
-Explain to the receptionist that you're resigning, and where they need to sign (although everyone who leaves this place supposedly has to get one of these signed, so they should know the deal by now).
-Endure the resulting wish of congratulations or look of jealousy.
-Sit five minutes in the waiting chair, listening to the receptionist get yelled at by a coworker for not cleaning up. Alternatively, have the receptionist look for another person to sign the form. This person is never available.
-Be informed that you're not in the right office. Instead, go to another room on a completely different floor and hallway in this god-forsakenly confusing building.
-Repeat for each of the 17 items on the Employee Final Separation Clearance form.
I guess I'll finish the form before I leave for good next week. Good thing I started it two weeks in advance. There's no way it could be done in one nine-hour day.