Well, last week The Oracle published a story (front page!) about two Henderson students who are participating in a national gay rights movement.
A few days later, we found that someone had taken an entire stack of newspapers that had been placed in the Sturgis Hall lobby, deliberately cut this story out of EVERY copy, and then put them back (sans story) in the lobby.
This is the kind of bigoted arbitrary censorship that our Constitution aims to protect us from. This individual (because I am convinced it is one person, a person who lives on the second floor, the same person who removed and defaced countless Queer/Straight Alliancec flyers) is presuming to feed us his or her own opinion, unsolicited, and silence those people whose opinions don't jibe.
And this is in the Honors College dorm (where the "smart" students, the "intellectuals", the "enlighted" people are said to live.)
I am so... there just isn't a word to describe the expanse of emotions I am feeling right now. Anger, yes. Outrage, yes. Sadness, yes. Even pity, pity for someone so ignorant.
But I think most of all I feel... disappointment. I am disappointed that anyone would be so shortsighted, so childish, and so hateful.