Stolen from
arwyn Surprisingly, I got three of hers (sort of) without even googling. The question I've got is, what constitutes a line? The first part before it rhymes? I'm just sort of going by rhythm, so some of it might be longer or shorter than another person does. I'm way overthinking this. HOKAY! On to the meme!
Song Lyric Fun Times
Step 1. Put your playlist on random.
Step 2. Post the first line from the first 25 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing. (You can skip songs that are instrumental, and/or in a language you don't understand.)
Step 3. Strike out the songs when someone guesses correctly.
1) Well my daddy left home when I was three, and he didn't leave much to ma and me.
2) Now come one, come all to this tragic affair.
3) Many a hand has scaled the grand old face of the plateau.
4) Mama, where's your little daughter?
5) Don't wanna be a Canadian idiot. (haha...easy!)
6) The street light crawls into a bare bulb hotel.
7) Time goes by so slowly.
8) Your fallen tears have called to me. (snicker...this one might be hard)
9) Morning has broken, I want to live.
10) Papa, come quick, Jody's gone to the city.
11) Maryanne and Wanda were the best of friends all through their high school days. (technically, this was karaoke, so it was *guitar strum....strum...chord change...change...dum da dum...drums start...*
12) Lily, I hope you picture me in your dreams.
13) When you first left me, I was wanting more
14) The bottom feels so much better than the top.
15) Bitch! You're a thief of hearts, and now you'll have to pay.
16) 1868 being the date and the year
17) I hear the clock, it's six am.
18) They see me mowing my front lawn.
19) It was a cold night and the snow lay round.
20) I'm always shimmering in light and sin
21) I can't believe it's come to this, two broken hearts, one goodbye kiss
22) From the first hello you gave to me, I've done nothing else but smile.
23) For you I was a flame
24) There's a neat little lass and her name is Mari-Mac (I LOVE this song...I've almost got it memorized...quite a feat if I may say so myself.)
25) Don't walk too close, don't breathe so soft.
Interesting mix...little bit of country, little bit of traditional, little bit of other stuff. I've got quite a blend on the iPod. Even though I heard them, I'm having trouble remembering which ones I did. It's hard doing this without the phrasing or melody.