It's A Small World After All - Part Seven

Mar 23, 2012 08:35

Hallo! It's been a while, hasn't it? Don't worry, I haven't got bored of the game or anything, I've just been busy. Uni work, sorting my downloads, entering maxis_taste monthly themes and CREATING. I shall share some of it very soon, but before that, it's time for Part Seven of It's A Small World, a 'you suck at parenting' challenge. When we last saw our nations, they were in the middle of an idyllic mountain holiday. Well, idyllic for some, such as Canada and Belgium, who decided this was the perfect time for a holiday romance. As did Liechtenstein and Switzerland, but the less said about that, the better. On the downside, England got a bad reputation and had way too much fun living up to it by pranking everyone who crossed his path, which ended in a brawl with Switzerland.

It's the fight that never ends, it goes on and on, my friends! And it really did, which was very annoying because I wanted everyone to go back to the campsite and they couldn't because they couldn't go without them.

And the longer it went on, the lower their motives got. I was seriously worried that England was actually going to kill Switzerland.

But FINALLY, England emerged victorious.
Townie: BOO, YOU SUCK!
England: Neutral, my arse!
Townie: I HAD $100 RIDING ON YOU!

Oh this is going to be interesting.

Liechtenstein: Your offering displeases me.

Liechtenstein: So, um, I know you beat up the guy I like, but I really can't help finding you incredibly attractive.
England: I'm flattered...
France: Hmm... I have lots of influence points from all those dates. I could use my powers for ROMANCE and get those two together!
England: ...But I'm also gay.

Belgium: Heh heh heh!

Belgium: Bathtime!
America: Bleugh!

Wait, Belgium's the one doing the pranking but America's the one with the bad rep? That's not very fair!

England and Switzerland's bullshit drama was annoying me, so I had France use his mind control powers to make them talk to each other.
France: You're a reasonable man, right? I'm sure you'll be able to talk things through with Switzerland and come to some of agreement!
England: I'm honoured that you think so much of me!
Switzerland: But we already have an agreement. We agree that we hate each other's guts.

England: So I was thinking maybe we could sit down with a film and a few beers, talk things over?
Switzerland: Oh, what a coincidence! My idea was pretty similar, except I smashed the beer bottles over your head and filmed it.
Well, that sure was a waste of influence points!

Operation Patch Things Up: EPIC FAIL. Although as you can see, the poking and the slapping and the fighting's not all bad as it allows England to fill that bad reputation want every few hours.

Switzerland: So now we've established that this was a rubbish plan, you can get the fuck outta my face.
England: Why does he hate me? I just want to be loved!
Combination of things, but it's probably mostly your godawful attitude.

England: Wait, one last chance! Um, let's talk about... uh, oh, I know, music!
Switzerland: OH MY GOD music is one of my FAVOURITE THINGS EVER!

Switzerland: ...And in conclusion, music is amazing and I love it and I loved talking to you about it.
England: So we're friends?
Switzerland: No, fuck off.
Oh well. It was worth a try.

Suddenly, SLAP DANCE! It's a welcome change from plain old slaps.

And pokes.
England: YOU DON'T OWN THE CAMPSITE, I DON'T SEE YOUR NAME ON IT oh and Canada is my BFF now so BACK OFF or I'll make him sic a polar bear on you.
Switzerland: Like I'm soooooo scared of your imaginary friends.
Canada: Um, I'm right here oh never mind, I don't know why I even bother.

Switzerland: Tell your friend Canada to bring it on!
Canada: I um, don't think I want to-
Canada: Never mind.

Canada: OK, I just have to check. You can actually see me, right? You know who I am?
England: Of course I can see you, best friend!

Canada: Recognition! This is the greatest day of my life!
England: As if I could ever not acknowledge you, America.
Switzerland: *lurks ominously*

Switzerland: I haven't forgotten that I hate your guts.

England: And I haven't forgotten that I hate ALL your internal organs.

Canada: So I was wondering if maybe you'd like to be friends?
Switzerland: Whoa, don't sneak up on people like that! Where did you come from?
Canada: ...I've been here the whole time.

It's nice to see that not all the teens are juvenile delinquents. Seychelles continues to be awesome and lovely.

Townie: Oooga booga thump thump thump!
America: I have no idea what you just did, but it was weird.
Townie: It's a chest pound! It's how we say 'hello'!
America: Oh! See, where I come from, we say 'hello'. It's how we say 'hello'.

England: Oh yeah, I suddenly remembered I hate you.

Switzerland: The feeling's mutual!
America: Fighting must be tons of fun, those two are always doing it. Wanna go?
Canada: Sure, why not.

America: Oh, and we gotta do this too!
Canada: No no stoppit, that's NOT fun!

Eventually they came to a mutual agreement to just hang out.

So I decided to check up on everyone else. Like Belgium, who's preening.
Belgium: Heeeey there, sexy! Aren't you just gorgeous?
Do you and the mirror need a moment alone?
Belgium: Mmm, you're so foxy. You are the cutest thing on this campsite. I could just ravish you here and now, but I won't because you're a mirror and that might be illegal.
Wow, OK, going now.

Belgium: Hey, you know what's fun?
France: Oh so many thi-

France: Oh. I was kind of expecting something else, but in that case...


England: Look, are you really sure we can't just start over and chat over a cuppa?

England: Is that a no?

Switzerland: Forever no.

WOW. That's as close as you can get in this game to "I hate this sim with every fibre of my being and I want them to die horribly."

With England distracted, Belgium's thoughtfully picking up the slack on the prank front.

But now it's time to go back home!

Where I make Switzerland and England choose the Forgiving vacation benefit because I kind of want to see of I can patch up their relationship.

Belgium: Whew, that holiday sure was tiring. I'll just take a nap for a few zzzzzz.

Belgium: ARGH!

Work chance card for Switzerland.

And then I took a break for a while. Over Christmas I'd got carried away, downloading more and more and more stuff until I finally timed things and realised it was taking TWO HOURS to load the game and neighbourhood and house. That's just silly. So I had a humungous clearout. I deleted all the old, crappy objects I never use, found Pooklet recolours of all the hair so I would have complete sets in matching colours and cleaned out all the clothes and makeup and accessories I don't use. Then I decided to make use of the Bon Voyage jewellery bins and turned a bunch of accessories into jewellery. It took over a month, but it was worth it. My game loads faster and runs faster and things are organised and tidy.

On the downside, a few people became fashion victims. Liechtenstein and Canada lost their hair. Poor Canada also lost her eyelashes.

And it's scary how many people lost their eyebrows.

Oh, and when they got home, more money fell out of the sky. Lucky lucky France!

He celebrates by trying to smack NyoCanada's new glasses off her face. Oh! And what's that in the corner?

Why, it's America, home from work. And, um... heh...
America: Don't laugh.

But before I can fix him, he goes and freaks out over the garden gnome.
It's fine, the rain put it out.

I'm sorry, there's no way I can keep a straight face at this. At least he didn't lose his eyebrows though!

Anyway, while she was there, I had France ask Canada on a date. He has high hopes!

They're so compatible.

Wait, is that more money?

I only wished once! Well, France should have no trouble paying for dinner on this date. But that will have to wait until next time. See you then!


small world, sims story, hetalia

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