
Jun 28, 2011 11:04

Comment fic written for James' prompt at fic-promptly.dreamwidth.org
Leverage, Parker

Old pond,
frog jumps in--

Only the words are mine. Parker belongs to her creators. The gems? who knows...

The slapslap of water on the dock and the sweetsalt rotting scent of the Thames rose in the night to a shadow clinging to the Tower's outer wall. Old old stonework pressed cold and gritty under her cheek while she waited for the guard to walk around the wall.
One of the raven sentinels shrieked and took flight as she zipped past, and the guard doubled back, but he looked up at the scolding bird, never back at the window where she hung, working breathless and quiet as the shadows inside.

Next morning, the world's most secure display case displayed dismaying gaps. News of a daring, impossible theft swept round the world as the sun rose on the remnants of Empire.

An hour later, frantic curators found the missing Sovereign's Sceptre tilted casually against the empty pauldron of a suit of armor on another floor, black gauntlet closed carefully around the scepter's shaft. The Great Star of Africa winked at them from the tip of it in the morning light.
Whole countries sighed with relief.

The Lesser Star of Africa never resurfaced.


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