[Private//Very Hackable]
So, it would seem that she made her decision.
I suppose that it's only a matter of time until she is in the same position as mademoiselle Rue. Waiting for a proposal.
...I'm a failure.
What was I thinking? I'm not worthy of their love. I'm nothing but a sinner.
And a coward as well, apparently. Everything...only seems to hold fear.
I won't be leaving my room today. I... need to be alone.
((OOC: Affected. Femio is not exactly the bravest person, and his random irrational fears coupled with extreme curse paranoia have resulted in
pantophobia. To distract himself, he went on the Network and then saw
Ahiru's post (even though it was technically yesterday, but Femio fails at the Network, and HE'S ALWAYS THE LAST TO KNOW). So, all in all, Femio is having a really bad day. :/ ))