1st Rose--Accidental Voice Post

May 10, 2008 08:02

--Mon amour, please wait! Your eyes, sparkling like diamonds, revealed to me the true depth of your loving soul! I must know your name, or all the punishment in the world will not be enough!!

She’s gone. Ah me, I have yet again shattered a maiden’s heart with my cursed body, drawing them to me, yet pushing them away at the same time!




Where did he go?

And for that matter, where am I?

...And when did it start raining?

((OOC: FEMIO IS HERE. XD He's wandering over by the fountain, for anyone who wants to pull him out of the rain. He thinks that he simply wandered into some part of Kinkan that he's not familiar with, so telling him about the City will cause some outright denial confusion on his part. Also, a note for the Princess Tutu cast: I'm taking him right after Act Episode 17, so he still remembers human!Ahiru, Rue, Mytho, Fakir, Tutu and Kraehe (although he still hasn't made the connection between the last two).))

rainy days and floody ways, where are the beautiful maidens?, i need my special effects supervisor, !arrival, rain and poofy purple hair do not mix, !curse day, this doesn't look like kinkan, wtf, what a sinner i am

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