21 is fun!!!

Jan 07, 2007 00:11

ive had such a fun break, ive seen so many people and probably have done a bit too much drinking, but hey, im in college, recently turned 21 along with a bunch of good friends and im allowed to celebrate!!

last friday, there was a surprise birthday party for danny lynch. so we all showed up at his house and boy was he surprised, especially since some of those people he hadnt seen in a good amount of time. i myself hadnt seen him in almost 2 years! anywho, after a little partying at danny lynch's a group of us went to joshs where we clearly consumed mucho alcohol (ok, so maybe i had a lot of beers, but everyone else was drinking too!) anywho, that was a really fun night, catching up with good people and whatnot. a fantastic night, actually. it was too late and i was too drunk to go home so i just crashed there. haha
the next day was saturday and we visited my grandfather on the cape for a little while and then went to chrissys for her bday, and i had a few drinks there (only like 2 beers). and it was fun cause we played games, like taboo. i think thats going to become the game of choice over there, we played it on christmas too.
sunday was new years eve and i rang in the new year at my friend pats house. it was byob and for the first time, i was able to do so! haha it was great, i got mudslide mix, yummmmmm. anywho, it was a bit lowkey compared to past years and other parties at his place, but it was still a lot of fun. we ordered chinese food at like 2am and so i just stayed there that night.
monday i didnt really do anything, at least that i can recall.
tuesday, i went into cambridge to fire+ice for katie's 21st birthday dinner and then went over to jillians for julies bday. that was a lot of fun too, another mini reuinion, if you will. not to mention all the other bla people we saw by chance who apparently hang out there often. i was gunna head home early, but julie offered me a couch and so i crashed there.
wednesday morning i went home and got ready to go to worcester to meet up with kellie. her boyfriend chris had a show at a bar called the lucky dog (wicked sketchy!) and it was a pretty good show. the band before chris' (called 4" stud) was a fun kinda band and chris' (water cure) was a good one too, they were the best of the 5 there. after the show we went to kellie's friend's place for some leftover chinese food and then went back to kellie's for the night. in the late morning, not only did they give me a ride, but they drove me all the way home instead of just to the train station. so nice! I missed kellie and it was fabulous seeing her again!
i got home early thursday afternoon and just hung out around the house. i was exhausted and went to bed relatively early (1am-ish). i slept until 230pm!! i couldnt believe it. but it was much needed cause i wasnt feeling so hott since about tuesday night/wednesday morning-ish.
last night was supposed to be one of miriams parties, but she was really sick, so she cancelled. it was all the better i guess, cause i needed to take a break, though i did not sleep well at all last night.
today i just hung around the house with makayla for most of the day while the rest of the fam went car shopping. then tonight i met up with jack, his fam & co, and we had dinner at bertuccis (courtesy of his brother sean! nice!) and then went over to jillians for some pool and just to hang out. it was good. i got home just before midnight.

so thats been my crazy week and its been so much fun. i got to see josh since his return from australia, i got to see soup (a few times!) for the first time in almost 2 years, and many others who i hadnt seen pretty much since miriams party in the summer. it was awesome catching up with some of the high school crowd.

anywho, im off to bed now, hoping to call it an early night in an attempt to awaken earlier enough to go to mass with my dad.  nighty night!
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